y543685085 发表于 2008-10-5 07:58:48



花了一晚上配置好IIS6.0+PHP+Mysql 环境
结果 PS3.1的 stats.pl出问题!!!

PsychoStats failed initialization!
The following modules are required and could not be loaded.
You can install the modules listed by using the Perl Package Manager.
Typing 'ppm' at the Start->Run menu usually will open it up. Enter the module
name and have it install. Then rerun PsychoStats.
Press ^C or <enter> to exit.

stats 日志

Called from main(189)->PS::DB(118)->PS::DB::mysql(43) >>>
> Error connecting to database using dsn "DBI:mysql:database=dodwxsp3;host=localhost;port=":
> Unknown database 'dodwxsp3'
Called from main(189)->PS::DB(118)->PS::DB::mysql(43) >>>
> Error connecting to database using dsn "DBI:mysql:database=dodwxsp3;host=localhost;port=":
> Unknown database 'dodwxsp3'
Called from main(189)->PS::DB(118)->PS::DB::mysql(43) >>>
> Error connecting to database using dsn "DBI:mysql:database=dodwxsp3;host=localhost;port=":
> Unknown database 'dodwxsp3'
Called from main(189)->PS::DB(118)->PS::DB::mysql(43) >>>
> Error connecting to database using dsn "DBI:mysql:database=dodwxsp3;host=localhost;port=":
> Unknown database 'dodwxsp3'
Called from PS::Player(952)->PS::Player(1082)->PS::DB(749)->PS::DB(281)->PS::DB(598) >>>
> Error executing DB query:
> INSERT INTO ps_c_plr_victims (`dataid`, `plrid`, `victimid`, `deaths`, firstdate, lastdate, `killsperdeath`, `headshotkillspct`) VALUES ('3592', '516', '523', '1', '2008-07-12', '2008-07-12', IFNULL(`kills` / `deaths`, `kills`), IFNULL(`headshotkills` / `kills` * 100, 0.00))
> Duplicate entry '3592' for key 1
> --end of error--
Called from main(189)->PS::DB(118)->PS::DB::mysql(43) >>>
> Error connecting to database using dsn "DBI:mysql:database=dodps3;host=localhost;port=":
> Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10048)
DB connection was lost (errno 2013); Attempting to reconnect #1
Re-attempting to establish a DB connection (#2)
Re-attempting to establish a DB connection (#3)
Re-attempting to establish a DB connection (#4)
Re-attempting to establish a DB connection (#5)
Re-attempting to establish a DB connection (#6)
Re-attempting to establish a DB connection (#7)
Re-attempting to establish a DB connection (#8)
Re-attempting to establish a DB connection (#9)
Re-attempting to establish a DB connection (#10)
Re-attempting to establish a DB connection (#11)
Called from PS::Player(947)->PS::Player(1068)->PS::DB(721)->PS::DB(325)->PS::DB(583) >>>
> Error re-connecting to database using dsn "DBI:mysql:database=dodps3;host=localhost;port=":
> Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)
Called from main(189)->PS::DB(118)->PS::DB::mysql(43) >>>
> Error connecting to database using dsn "DBI:mysql:database=dodps3;host=localhost;port=":
> Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)
Called from main(189)->PS::DB(118)->PS::DB::mysql(43) >>>
> Error connecting to database using dsn "DBI:mysql:database=dodps3;host=localhost;port=":
> Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)
Called from main(189)->PS::DB(118)->PS::DB::mysql(43) >>>
> Error connecting to database using dsn "DBI:mysql:database=dodps3;host=localhost;port=":
> Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10055)
Called from main(189)->PS::DB(118)->PS::DB::mysql(43) >>>
> Error connecting to database using dsn "DBI:mysql:database=dodps3;host=localhost;port=":
> Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10055)
Called from main(189)->PS::DB(118)->PS::DB::mysql(43) >>>
> Error connecting to database using dsn "DBI:mysql:database=dodps3;host=localhost;port=":
> Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10055)
Called from main(189)->PS::DB(118)->PS::DB::mysql(43) >>>
> Error connecting to database using dsn "DBI:mysql:database=dodps3;host=localhost;port=":
> Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10055)
Called from PS::Player(952)->PS::Player(1082)->PS::DB(749)->PS::DB(281)->PS::DB(598) >>>
> Error executing DB query:
> INSERT INTO ps_c_plr_victims (`dataid`, `plrid`, `victimid`, `deaths`, `kills`, firstdate, lastdate, `killsperdeath`, `headshotkillspct`) VALUES ('1534279', '210', '35781', '2', '1', '2008-07-22', '2008-07-22', IFNULL(`kills` / `deaths`, `kills`), IFNULL(`headshotkills` / `kills` * 100, 0.00))
> Duplicate entry '1534279' for key 1
> --end of error--
Called from main(320)->main(349)->main(397)->PS::Game(1296)->PS::DB(598) >>>
> Error executing DB query:
> SELECT plr.*, pp.name, kills, activity, onlinetime FROM ps_plr plr, ps_plr_profile pp, ps_c_plr_data data WHERE pp.uniqueid=plr.uniqueid AND data.plrid=plr.plrid
> Table 'dodps3.ps_plr' doesn't exist
> --end of error--
Called from PS::DB(531)->PS::DB(463)->PS::DB(598) >>>
> Error executing DB query:
> SELECT MAX(id) FROM ps_errlog
> Table 'dodps3.ps_errlog' doesn't exist
> --end of error--
Called from PS::Game::halflife(828)->PS::Map(239)->PS::DB(693)->PS::DB(348)->PS::DB(598) >>>
> Error executing DB query:
> SELECT `dataid` FROM ps_c_map_data WHERE `mapid`='1' LIMIT 1
> Table 'dodps3.ps_c_map_data' doesn't exist
> --end of error--
Called from PS::Game::halflife(828)->PS::Map(239)->PS::DB(693)->PS::DB(348)->PS::DB(598) >>>
> Error executing DB query:
> SELECT `dataid` FROM ps_c_map_data WHERE `mapid`='1' LIMIT 1
> Table 'dodps3.ps_c_map_data' doesn't exist
> --end of error--
Called from PS::Game::halflife(828)->PS::Map(239)->PS::DB(693)->PS::DB(348)->PS::DB(598) >>>
> Error executing DB query:
> SELECT `dataid` FROM ps_c_map_data WHERE `mapid`='1' LIMIT 1
> Table 'dodps3.ps_c_map_data' doesn't exist
> --end of error--
Called from PS::Game::halflife(828)->PS::Map(239)->PS::DB(693)->PS::DB(348)->PS::DB(598) >>>
> Error executing DB query:
> SELECT `dataid` FROM ps_c_map_data WHERE `mapid`='1' LIMIT 1
> Table 'dodps3.ps_c_map_data' doesn't exist
> --end of error--
Called from PS::Game::halflife(828)->PS::Map(239)->PS::DB(693)->PS::DB(348)->PS::DB(598) >>>
> Error executing DB query:
> SELECT `dataid` FROM ps_c_map_data WHERE `mapid`='1' LIMIT 1
> Table 'dodps3.ps_c_map_data' doesn't exist
> --end of error--
Called from PS::Game::halflife(828)->PS::Map(239)->PS::DB(693)->PS::DB(348)->PS::DB(598) >>>
> Error executing DB query:
> SELECT `dataid` FROM ps_c_map_data WHERE `mapid`='1' LIMIT 1
> Table 'dodps3.ps_c_map_data' doesn't exist
> --end of error--
Called from PS::Game::halflife(828)->PS::Map(239)->PS::DB(693)->PS::DB(348)->PS::DB(598) >>>
> Error executing DB query:
> SELECT `dataid` FROM ps_c_map_data WHERE `mapid`='1' LIMIT 1
> Table 'dodps3.ps_c_map_data' doesn't exist
> --end of error--
Called from PS::Game::halflife(828)->PS::Map(239)->PS::DB(693)->PS::DB(348)->PS::DB(598) >>>
> Error executing DB query:
> SELECT `dataid` FROM ps_c_map_data WHERE `mapid`='1' LIMIT 1
> Table 'dodps3.ps_c_map_data' doesn't exist
> --end of error--
Called from PS::Game::halflife(828)->PS::Map(239)->PS::DB(693)->PS::DB(348)->PS::DB(598) >>>
> Error executing DB query:
> SELECT `dataid` FROM ps_c_map_data WHERE `mapid`='1' LIMIT 1
> Table 'dodps3.ps_c_map_data' doesn't exist
> --end of error--
Called from PS::Game::halflife(828)->PS::Map(239)->PS::DB(693)->PS::DB(348)->PS::DB(598) >>>
> Error executing DB query:
> SELECT `dataid` FROM ps_c_map_data WHERE `mapid`='1' LIMIT 1
> Table 'dodps3.ps_c_map_data' doesn't exist
> --end of error--
Called from PS::Game::halflife(828)->PS::Map(239)->PS::DB(693)->PS::DB(348)->PS::DB(598) >>>
> Error executing DB query:
> SELECT `dataid` FROM ps_c_map_data WHERE `mapid`='1' LIMIT 1
> Table 'dodps3.ps_c_map_data' doesn't exist
> --end of error--
Called from PS::Game::halflife(828)->PS::Map(239)->PS::DB(693)->PS::DB(348)->PS::DB(598) >>>
> Error executing DB query:
> SELECT `dataid` FROM ps_c_map_data WHERE `mapid`='1' LIMIT 1
> Table 'dodps3.ps_c_map_data' doesn't exist
> --end of error--
Called from PS::Game::halflife(828)->PS::Map(239)->PS::DB(693)->PS::DB(348)->PS::DB(598) >>>
> Error executing DB query:
> SELECT `dataid` FROM ps_c_map_data WHERE `mapid`='1' LIMIT 1
> Table 'dodps3.ps_c_map_data' doesn't exist
> --end of error--
Called from PS::Game::halflife(828)->PS::Map(239)->PS::DB(693)->PS::DB(348)->PS::DB(598) >>>
> Error executing DB query:
> SELECT `dataid` FROM ps_c_map_data WHERE `mapid`='1' LIMIT 1
> Table 'dodps3.ps_c_map_data' doesn't exist
> --end of error--
Called from PS::Game::halflife(828)->PS::Map(239)->PS::DB(693)->PS::DB(348)->PS::DB(598) >>>
> Error executing DB query:
> SELECT `dataid` FROM ps_c_map_data WHERE `mapid`='1' LIMIT 1
> Table 'dodps3.ps_c_map_data' doesn't exist
> --end of error--

明明什么都是按照原来的设置好,数据库我也搞好了,我也试过把数据库删了 重新装,NND 都不行。。。我真的想砸了电脑。。。。哎。。。。。谁能帮帮我到底是怎么回事啊??
还有那个什么Perl 的东西到底怎么搞?》》??

gearfox 发表于 2008-10-5 12:03:05

回复: PS3.1的问题?

先消消气 然后请文明用语....


y543685085 发表于 2008-10-5 20:33:23

回复: PS3.1的问题?



y543685085 发表于 2008-10-6 00:35:16

回复: PS3.1的问题?


gearfox 发表于 2008-10-6 10:10:27

回复: PS3.1的问题?

要做到遇事不慌 ...............

ps   为什么叫我大哥?

y543685085 发表于 2008-10-6 21:05:46

回复: PS3.1的问题?


老鼠爬墙 发表于 2008-10-9 16:37:17

回复: PS3.1的问题?


恋网物语 发表于 2008-10-9 18:32:14

回复: PS3.1的问题?

Post by y543685085


gearfox 发表于 2008-10-9 18:35:05

回复: PS3.1的问题?

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