Auto detecting CPUUsing Pentium II Optimised binary.
Auto-restarting the server on crash
./hlds_run: line 342:9346 Bus error $HL_CMD
Add "-debug" to the ./hlds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
Fri Sep 19 11:05:23 CST 2008: Server restart in 10 seconds
回复: 服务器正常运行但最近出下面问题?
CPU是Q6600,请各位大虾救命回复: 服务器正常运行但最近出下面问题?
./hlds_run: line 342: 9346 Bus error $HL_CMD最近又新装啥插件了?????
回复: 服务器正常运行但最近出下面问题?
查到原因了,估计是SXE升级存在问题,所以服务器就挂了回复: 服务器正常运行但最近出下面问题?
Post by czgm查到原因了,估计是SXE升级存在问题,所以服务器就挂了
呵呵。 确实