lanxinwy 发表于 2008-6-9 16:58:56

Force CAL Open Settings [fcos] - v2.9错误


Arvy 发表于 2008-6-9 17:34:06

回复: Force CAL Open Settings [fcos] - v2.9错误


lanxinwy 发表于 2008-6-12 22:53:01

回复: Force CAL Open Settings [fcos] - v2.9错误


Core ( Description
query_client_cvar - Dispatches a client cvar query Syntax
query_client_cvar ( id, const cvar[], const resultFunc[], paramlen=0, const params[] = "" ) Type
Native Notes
* id is a player entid from 1 to 32. Must be connected and may not be a bot
* cvar is the cvar name
* resultFunc is the name of the public function in your plugin that will be called when the response arrives
* paramlen cells from the params array will be passed to the result function as its fourth parameter if paramlen is specified.

The result function has the following form:

public callbackCvarValue(id, const cvar[], const value[])

or, if you use the optional array parameter (paramlen + params):

public callbackCvarValue(id, const cvar[], const value[], const param[])

* id is the player id
* cvar and value are self explaining

The function uses a pretty new engine function (added around Aug 11, 2005). Therefore it may cause a native error on out-of-date servers.
It also uses newdll functions; metamod (at least 1.18) doesn't provide newdll function table hooking for plugins if the mod gamedll doesn't export newdll functions.
This is fixed in metamod-1.18p26 by ghost_of_evilspy (hullu). [ ]

! This function is only available in the CVS at the moment; it will be available in the next official AMX Mod X release.

Example plugin:
Log the value of the rate cvar of all connecting users

#include <amxmodx>

public plugin_init()

    register_plugin("test", "1", "PM");

public client_connect(id)

    if (!is_user_bot(id))
      query_client_cvar(id, "rate", "cvar_result_func");

public cvar_result_func(id, const cvar[], const value[])

    new name[32];
    get_user_name(id, name, 31);
    log_amx("Client %d(%s)'s rate is ^"%s^"", id, name, value);

Logged output:
L 09/07/2005 - 11:42:25: Client 1(psychedelic hampster)'s rate is "15000"
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查看完整版本: Force CAL Open Settings [fcos] - v2.9错误