点通粉丝 发表于 2008-5-23 04:34:50



Shape Shifter v1.5

You can buy shapes (model files) and shift into them! Every sift costs
you money, but if someone discovers you, shoots at you and hits, you
will lose 1/2 of your hp. If you die you will have to buy a new shape.
Theres also a free version that works with all mods!
ss_enabled 1 - Toggles plugin (1 on, 0 off, 2 for admins with immunity only)
*ss_shape_cost 800 - Cost of shape
*ss_shift_cost 200 - Cost of shift
*ss_free_for_admins 0 - If 1 free for admins with immunity flag
*ss_popup - If 1 and you have no model selected the model menu pops up on roundstart
ss_changecam 1 - If 1 changes to thirdperson while shifted
ss_canmove 0 - If 1 players can move while shifted
* - Not with free version
say /ss - Shows shape menu
say_team /ss - Shows shape menu
+\-shift - shifts\puts you back (this should be binded)
Put ss_models.ini in configs dir
For per map cofiguration make a folder ss_maps and put .ini in it
0 33.0 models/bush.mdl Small Bush
13 0.0 models/hostage.mdl HostageAdmin Commands:
ss_mdl_up - Sets model offset +1.0
ss_mdl_down - Sets model offset -1.0
These are used to find out the correct offset for new models
(ADMIN_KICK required) Some models wont spawn at the right
hight, so they need an offset. These commands are used to
find out the right one!
*First public beta
*Fixed minor bugs
*Added Cvar ss_free_for_admins
*Added custom names for models (pic 4)
Before this it just showed the models name
*Using PCvars
*Added only for admins option
*Added per map configs
*Major bug fix - Thx BlackMilk & mordi
*Added cvar ss_changecam
*While sifted players are completely frozen
*Updated all commands from engine to fakemeta (less CPU usage)
*Long model name bug fix
*Path fix
-Custom Update
*Crate Model pack
Crate models from maps: cs_office, de_aztec, de_cbble,
de_dust and de_train
Each model has two sizes (full and 1/2 size) and each is
smaller than 10 kb!

(See pic 5)

*Fixed visibility bug - Thx Arion
*Fixed dead player bug - Thx mordi
*Added cvar ss_canmove
*Fixed new round shifting bug
*Now the menu appears on spawn
-Custom Update
*Added free version
*Added cvar ss_popup
*Minor free version bug fix

For those who can't read:
shapeshifter.sma - For CS or CZ
shapeshifter_free.sma - For other mods with different money system /

点通粉丝 发表于 2008-5-23 04:38:02

回复: 官网上找的几个不错的插件.都几好玩.amxx

Everyone Is Medic v1.5

Servers running this plugin
This plugin allows every player to heal his teammates.
Aim at chosen player and press your USE key (distance between you and the target must be lower than value stored in eim_range).
Required Modules
eim_range (default: 70) - distance limit
eim_hps (default: 10.0) - health gained per second
eim_maxhealers (default: 2) - max amount of players that can heal 1 player simultaneously
eim_healpoints (default: 0) - max amount of hp that can be healed by player every round (0 = unlimited)
eim_healeff (default: 1.0) - fraction of health lost that can be healed
eim_in_team (default: 0) - which team have medics, 0 - both, 1 - ts only, 2 - cts only

点通粉丝 发表于 2008-5-23 04:39:42

回复: 官网上找的几个不错的插件.都几好玩.amxx

Breakable Doors
Written by: Ryan
It's here, Breakable doors for AMXX! This is a conversion of my (lesser known) AMX plugin of the same name.
This plugin, quite simply, allows players to destroy doors by throwing grenades at them. The range of the grenade from the door is customizable in the source code.
Currently, there is only support for rotating doors, but sliding doors should be breakable by next version.
This plugin is compatible with AMXX 0.20, and should also be compatible with AMXX 0.16.
copy breakable_doors.amxx to your /plugins folder.
add breakable_doors.amxx to your plugins.ini file.
make sure you have the <engine> module running by uncommenting the proper line in your modules.ini file.
* NOTE * This plugin is enabled by default, to disable it simply add mp_breakabledoors 0 to your custom map configuration file(s).

*EDIT1* Screenshots added and source code fixed.
*EDIT2* Installation instructions modified to include <engine> module.

点通粉丝 发表于 2008-5-23 04:45:06

回复: 官网上找的几个不错的插件.都几好玩.amxx


gearfox 发表于 2008-5-23 08:24:47

回复: 官网上找的几个不错的插件.都几好玩.amxx


点通粉丝 发表于 2008-5-23 12:49:32

回复: 官网上找的几个不错的插件.都几好玩.amxx


黑星 发表于 2008-5-23 13:14:56

回复: 官网上找的几个不错的插件.都几好玩.amxx

好用的制造房模型插件.rar   怎么使用啊???
拜托LZ发插件也说下使用的方法撒 ,如果就照原文粘贴的话我还不如去官网找算了~

lu0007 发表于 2008-5-23 16:49:12

回复: 官网上找的几个不错的插件.都几好玩.amxx

队友互相帮忙加血插件.rar   這候怎么候用法啊???

Arvy 发表于 2008-5-23 17:59:32

回复: 官网上找的几个不错的插件.都几好玩.amxx


点通粉丝 发表于 2008-5-24 04:40:36

回复: 官网上找的几个不错的插件.都几好玩.amxx

下载记得支持一下... 1楼..有好东西..武器在地面上旋转插件
:super: :em02: :em46: :em25: :em05:
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查看完整版本: 官网上找的几个不错的插件.都几好玩.amxx+源码!