国外CS.1.5 Won2版
这是1个ISO安装版的文件ReadMe ::
1. All files required and mentioned below are located in the Updated Files For Won2 folder.
2. Be sure to follow these directions exactly, as to avoid mistakes or conflicts.
3. For Won2 support, visit steamlessproject.nl
4. This was created using a CS Retail 1.5 CD. If you like the game, purchase it.
5. DirectX updated to November has been included. If you do not have the latest, you can install it.
Enjoy the game, and I hope you enjoy the work put into this.
- A r u .
1) Install Counter-Strike Retail from this CD.
NOTE: So called 'installed-packed' versions may be corrupt and therefore not work with WON2 or any Steamless MOD, so be sure to download a full ISO or other image-type file.
2) Counter-Strike Retail: Install the CS Retail update (CS 1.5 for CS Retail) <cs1005.exe>
3) Counter-Strike Retail: Skip this step. You installed version 1.5 by installing the Retail update.
4a) If you only want to play on WON2 and don't want extra features: download and install the WON2 Patch for Players. <no-won-player_oct05>
Props go entirely to the Won2 team. For support and information on Won2, visit them at steamlessproject.nl
安装的时候请用DAEMON Tools然后进入虚拟镜像盘符的文件资源管理器,按上方的步骤进行安装
回复: 国外CS.1.5 Won2版
没几个人1.5了吧....很少去娱乐那个了回复: 国外CS.1.5 Won2版
我都一年多没玩这个了?进都没进过了。回复: 国外CS.1.5 Won2版
won2版是什么意思?回复: 国外CS.1.5 Won2版
CS1.5是WON认证 但是现在CS统一是STEAM了 所以WON就淘汰了现在为了能让CS1.5刷出internet上的游戏,有人就做了新的WON masterserver 所以就说WON2
回复: 国外CS.1.5 Won2版
这个版本的解决了cmd dlfile maps/de_dust2.bsp 这个BUG吗?玩CS1.5的人还是很多的。
不信可以到QQ 浩方平台去看看。1.5的服务器。玩家都比1.6的多。
回复: 国外CS.1.5 Won2版
太慢了,打不开网页。有没有国内的镜象啊?回复: 国外CS.1.5 Won2版
回复: 国外CS.1.5 Won2版