Kz跳跃插件 0.8b
*这些命令在控制台和/say 里通用.
*绑定方法: bind x /cp
* 存点:
* 读取存点:
* 读取上上一次存点:
* 其他命令
/reset - 返回出生点重新计时.
/pause - 暂停计时
/boost - 启用实体模式
/toggle_boost - 关闭实体模式.
Kz Jump Plugin v0.08b by teame06
Kz Jump Plugin v0.08b by teame06
This plugin was created due to the fact that the current KZ Multiplugin by AssKicR was unsupported and buggy. Also with a closed sourced plugin called Climb 1.9.16a by Don Juan from . I give him props for making a really good kz plugin but due to the fact that he would not respond to PM about getting the source code. I have decided to recreate plugin by disassembling his plugin and recreating what ever parts I could not disassemble.
- AMX Mod X 1.75 or greater
- Respawn Controller plugin
- Fakemeta module
- Cstrike module
- Nvault (Future release)
- sqlx (Future release)
- Invididual timers displayed in Round Time Display.
- Ability to pause individual timers.
- Auto join CT. (Optional)
- Auto semiclip with boosting option.
- Auto equip scout, c4, Nightvision, Item Long Jump (When timer is not started).
- Slow Auto Healing when timer is started.
- Health start at 255.
- Single Fake CT Client. (Optional)
- Auto detect if maps are KZ maps. If maps are not Kz Maps then all the plugins will turn itself off.
- Auto Respawn (Requires Respawn Controller plugin)
- Ability to make check point while ducking without getting stuck.
- Global time score keeping in a mysql database (Future release).
- Local time score keeping in a nvault (Future release).
- 18 and under safe. This remove the ability of people entering secret rooms with XXX pictures. This doesn't not block people from entering those room by NoClip. (Only maps that are listed will be supported.)
- Scoreboard (Future Release)
Say and console Commands:
- Save a checkpoint
- /cp
- /checkpoint
- /check
- /cp
- Return to a check point
- /gocheck
- /gc
- /tele
- /tp
- Get unstuck
- /stuck
- /unstuck
- Boost (2 or more people must do this to work.)
- /boost
- Reset timer/Start over
- /reset
- /restart
- Force respawn
- /respawn
kz_enabled - Default value is 1. Enable or disable the the plugin.
kz_boosttime - Default value is 45. This cvar allow how long boost is enabled for.
To Do:
- Multi-Lingual Support.
- Local stats via Nvault.
- Global stats via mysql.
- Grab plugin (Maybe just use GHW_Chronic).
- Hook pluign (Maybe just use GHW_Chronic).
Don Juan from for making a really good plugin but not releasing the source to the plugin. I disassemble parts of his plugins to recreate Kz Jump Plugin. Below is a list of disassemble code I used from his plugin.
- No Block Code with boost option.
- Climb Timer using RoundTime.
- Duck while check point fix.
OneEyed for the Fake Client code.
strelomet (YaPB) for the Scoreboard Latancy BOT.
Basic-Master for his set_keyvalue, register_saycmd
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遗忘vbmenu_register("postmenu_282331", true);实习斑竹??? 看看了。。。。。。。。。。 看看了。。。。。。。。。。