bmp 发表于 2003-4-3 23:48:52

请教cd server安装

准备在局域网里的cs server装cd,结果没弄好,是不是这样?

Other Installations
1.复制 cdmod.dll 和 cdmod.bin 到 C:\HLServer\valve\dlls\cdeath\ 里
2.编辑C:\HLServer\valve\liblist.gam,加一句gamedll "\dlls\cdeath\cdmod.dll"
3.编辑C:\HLServer\cstrike\server.cfg,加cdrequired 1

这样就应该完了吧,但什么反映都没有?........没有no-cd字样,不用cd也能进.......我做错什么了?................(cdrequired 1,0都试过)


fyerit 发表于 2003-4-4 05:10:10

Copy cdmod.dll and cdmod.bin to the \game\addons\cdeath directory.

Make a copy of \game\liblist.gam and save it.

In the liblist.gam file, rename "gamedll" to "cdmod_chain".

In the liblist.gam file, add the line 'gamedll "addons\cdeath\cdmod.dll"'.
For example, a Half-Life liblist.gam file should have this line:
    gamedll "dlls\hl.dll"

You would change that line into the following two lines:
    cdmod_chain "dlls\hl.dll"
    gamedll "addons\cdeath\cdmod.dll"

A Counter-Strike liblist.gam file should have this line:
    gamedll "dlls\mp.dll"

You would change that line into the following two lines:
    cdmod_chain "dlls\mp.dll"
    gamedll "addons\cdeath\cdmod.dll"

samdiy 发表于 2003-4-4 08:10:30


bmp 发表于 2003-4-5 19:10:52

看了readme了,就是偶英文不好.......感觉已经按照readme做了啊,cd server就是没起来

sw990 发表于 2003-4-5 19:29:48

把cdrequired 1加到listenserver.cfg文件里试试,因为建局域网读取的不是server.cfg文件了!是listenserver.cfg文件~

sw990 发表于 2003-4-5 19:40:02

1.复制 cdmod.dll 和 cdmod.bin 到 C:\HLServer\valve\dlls\cdeath\ 里
2.编辑C:\HLServer\valve\liblist.gam,加一句gamedll "\dlls\cdeath\cdmod.dll"
3.编辑C:\HLServer\cstrike\server.cfg,加cdrequired 1

1.复制 cdmod.dll 和 cdmod.bin 到 C:\HLServer\cstrike\ADDONS\CDEATH\里
2.编辑C:\HLServer\cstrike\METAMOD.INI,加一句win32 addons/cdeath/cdmod.dll
3.编辑C:\HLServer\cstrike\liblist.gam,加一句gamedll "\addons\cdeath\cdmod.dll"

bmp 发表于 2003-4-5 19:48:55


bmp 发表于 2003-4-5 20:22:22

.....2.7 server不支持2.71?who?
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查看完整版本: 请教cd server安装