// AMX Super Configuration//
// File location: addons/amxmodx/configs/amx_super.cfg
// Settings are loaded on every mapchange
// from this cfg file
// Version 3.5
echo AMX_Super.cfg has been executed
// AMX Super Cvars (Defaults)
// General Cvars
amx_deadchat 1 // Enable/Disable dead players chatting with opposing teammates when alltalk is off.
amx_revivemsg 1 // Enable/Disable the HUD revive message when somebody is revived.
amx_loadsong 1 // Enable/Disable the loading songs when joining the server.
amx_soundfix 1 // Enable/Disable the echo sound fix plugin to fix echoes automatically.
amx_soundfix_pallow 1 // Enable/Disable players to be able to use /fixsound to fix echoes.
bullet_damage 1 // Enable/Disable the bullet bamage HUD above your crosshairs when you hit your opponents. (HP Damage)
allow_catchfire 1 // Enable/Disable people to catch other people on fire with amx_fire
amx_adminlisten 1 // Enable/Disable Admins listen plugin.Lets admin see All chat
// Bomb Transfer
afk_bombtransfer_spawn 7 // Maximum allowed AFK time for the bomb carrier from Spawn Only
afk_bombtransfer_time 15 // Maximum allowed AFK time for the bomb carrier from any AFK any time
// C4 Timer
amx_showc4timer 3 // <0|1|3> - Off | T's only | CT's only | ALL
amx_showc4flash 0 // <0|1> - Sprite flashing
amx_showc4sprite 1 // <0|1> - Choose from 2 sprites
amx_showc4msg 0 // <0|1> - Shows a hud message about the timer
// Stats Marquee
amx_marqplayeramount 40 // Amount of top players that will be shown
amx_marqvertlocation 2 // Where the marquee will appear (1 = top, 2 = bottom)
amx_marqfulltime 600.0 // Amount of seconds in between each time the stat marquee loops
amx_marqtimebetween 6.0 // Amount of seconds each player is individually shown before the next player is shown
// Actual Messages - %name% = Users Name, %rankpos% = Users Current Rank, \n = New line
// Join Leave Messages
amx_join_leave 1 // Enable/Disable the join/leave messages
amx_leavemessage_enable 1// Enable/Disable the Leave Message
amx_enter_message "%name% has joined!\nEnjoy the Server!\nCurrent Ranking is %rankpos%"
amx_leave_message "%name% has left!\nHope to see you back sometime."
// Spawn Protection
sv_sp 1 // Cvar (Command Variable) for the plugin 1=on 0=off
sv_sptime 2 // Cvar for controlling the message time (1-10 seconds), default 5
sv_spmessage 0 // Cvar for controlling the message 1=on 0=off
sv_spshellthick 25 // Cvar for controlling the glow shell thickness 0-100, default 25
sv_spglow 0 // Cvar for controlling if glow is enabled or disabled, 0 disables glow
amx_autobantimed 1 //Set whether or not to auto ban someone if they get a kill while under a timed bad aim. (default 1; 1|0)
amx_autobanall 1 //Set whether or not to auto ban someone if they get a kill while under either type of bad aim. (default 1; 1|0)
amx_ba_follow_immunity 1 //Set whether or not bad aim follows immunity rules for admins. (default 1; 1|0)
// AMX Super Add-on Cvars (Defaults)
// General Cvars
// High Ping Kicker Cvars
amx_hpk_on 1 // Turn the High Ping Kicker on or off
amx_hpk_ping 200 // Highest ping a player is allowed to have
amx_hpk_check 12 // Seconds between checking a players ping
amx_hpk_tests 5 // Number of times a player's ping is checked before kicking
amx_hpk_delay 60 // Seconds before starting ping checks after a player joins
amx_hpk_immunity 1 // Enable/Disable Immunity Checks by the plugin
回复: 超级CS插件插件
回复: 超级CS插件插件
LZ也太懒了吧直接复制就行了 怎么也要解释下撒 怎么用 用什么效果撒~回复: 超级CS插件插件
wo QQ shi 894790512:super: :sure: :super:
原始文字:自动翻译的文字:/// AMX Super Configuration//// File location: addons/amxmodx/configs/amx_super.cfg//// Settings are loaded on every mapchange// from this cfg file// Version 3.7echo AMX_Super.cfg has been executed//////////////////// AMX Super Cvars (Defaults)//////////////////// General Cvars//////////////////amx_deadchat 1 // Enable/Disable dead players chatting with opposing teammates when alltalk is off.amx_revivemsg 1 // Enable/Disable the HUD revive message when somebody is revived.amx_loadsong 1 // Enable/Disable the loading songs when joining the server.amx_adminlisten 1 // Enable/Disable Admins listen plugin.Lets admin see All chatamx_flashsound 1 // Enable/Disable flash sound whenusing amx_flashbullet_damage 1 // Enable/Disable the bullet bamage HUD above your crosshairs when you hit your opponents. (HP Damage)allow_catchfire 1 // Enable/Disable people to catch other people on fire with amx_fireamx_admin_check 1 // Enable/Disable the ability to say /admin(s) and show the admins online// Sound Fix--amx_soundfix 1 // Enable/Disable the echo sound fix plugin to fix echoes automatically.amx_soundfix_pallow 1 // Enable/Disable players to be able to use /fixsound to fix echoes.// Bomb Transfer--afk_bombtransfer_spawn 7 // Maximum allowed AFK time for the bomb carrier from Spawn Onlyafk_bombtransfer_time 15 // Maximum allowed AFK time for the bomb carrier from any AFK any time// C4 Timer-- amx_showc4timer 3 // <0|1|3> - Off | T's only | CT's only | ALLamx_showc4flash 0 // <0|1> - Sprite flashing amx_showc4sprite 1 // <0|1> - Choose from 2 sprites amx_showc4msg 0 // <0|1> - Shows a hud message about the timer // Stats Marquee--stats_marquee 0 // Enable/Disable the stats marquee optionamx_marqplayeramount 40 // Amount of top players that will be shownamx_marqvertlocation 2 // Where the marquee will appear (1 = top, 2 = bottom)amx_marqfulltime 600.0 // Amount of seconds in between each time the stat marquee loopsamx_marqtimebetween 6.0 // Amount of seconds each player is individually shown before the next player is shown// Join Leave Messages-- amx_join_leave 1 // Enable/Disable the join/leave messagesamx_leavemessage_enable 1// Enable/Disable the Leave Message// The actual messages// %name% = Users Name, %rankpos% = Users Current Rank, \n = New line amx_enter_message "%name% has joined!\nEnjoy the Server!\nCurrent Ranking is %rankpos%"amx_leave_message "%name% has left!\nHope to see you back sometime."// Spawn Protection-- sv_sp 1 // Cvar (Command Variable) for the plugin 1=on 0=offsv_sptime 2 // Cvar for controlling the message time (1-10 seconds), default 5sv_spmessage 0 // Cvar for controlling the message 1=on 0=offsv_spshellthick 25 // Cvar for controlling the glow shell thickness 0-100, default 25sv_spglow 0 // Cvar for controlling if glow is enabled or disabled, 0 disables glow//Badaim--amx_autobantimed 1 //Set whether or not to auto ban someone if they get a kill while under a timed bad aim. (default 1; 1|0)amx_autobanall 1 //"Get a kill under " either type of bad aim. (default 1; 1|0) amx_ba_follow_immunity 1 //Set whether or not bad aim follows immunity rules for admins. (default 1; 1|0) //////////////////// AMX Super Add-on Cvars (Defaults)//////////////////// General Cvars//////////////////// High Ping Kicker Cvars--amx_hpk_on 1 // Turn the High Ping Kicker on or off amx_hpk_ping 200 // Highest ping a player is allowed to haveamx_hpk_check 12 // Seconds between checking a players pingamx_hpk_tests 5 // Number of times a player's ping is checked before kickingamx_hpk_delay 60 // Seconds before starting ping checks after a player joinsamx_hpk_immunity 1 // Enable/Disable Immunity Checks by the plugin / / /阿莫西林超級配置
/ /
/ /文件位置:玩家/ amxmodx / configs / amx_super.cfg
/ /
/ /設置裝上每mapchange
/ /從這個文件的cfg
/ / 3.7版
迴聲[阿莫西林超級] amx_super.cfg已伏法
/ /阿莫西林超級cvars [值: 0 =弱能| 1 =使] (默認)
/ /一般cvars
amx_deadchat 1 / /使/禁止播放死者聊天反對隊友alltalk時關閉。
amx_revivemsg 1 / /使/禁用フ復甦訊息時,有人復活。
amx_loadsong 1 / /使/禁用加載歌曲時,加入服務器。
amx_adminlisten 1 / /使/禁用管理員聽聽插件。讓管理員看到所有聊天
amx_flashsound 1 / /使/關閉閃光燈時發出的聲音用amx_flash
bullet_damage 1 / /使/禁用子彈新生フ以上您登陸時,您擊中你的對手。 (惠普損害)
allow_catchfire 1 / /使/禁止人們捕捉別人對火災amx_fire
amx_admin_check 1 / /使/禁用能力說/管理員( s )和顯示在線管理員
/ /聲音定
amx_soundfix 1 / /使/禁用回波聲插件修理修理自動呼應。
amx_soundfix_pallow 1 / /使/禁用玩家可以使用/ fixsound定反響。
/ /炸彈轉移
afk_bombtransfer_spawn 7 / /最高允許afk時間炸彈承運人只產卵
afk_bombtransfer_time 15 / /最高允許afk時間為載體炸彈從任何afk任何時間
/ /定時器的c4
amx_showc4timer 3 / / < 0 1 | 3 > -過| t的唯一| c t的唯一|所有
amx_showc4flash 0 / / < 0 | 1 > -雪碧閃亮
amx_showc4sprite 1 / / < 0 | 1 > -選擇從2魍
amx_showc4msg 0 / / < 0 | 1 > -顯示フ信息計時器
/ /統計帳篷
stats_marquee 0 / /使/禁用狀態帳篷選擇
amx_marqplayeramount 40 / /金額頂尖選手,將放映
amx_marqvertlocation 2 / /那裡帳篷將於明日( 1 =頂, 2 =底部)
amx_marqfulltime 600.0 / /金額秒之間,每次stat的帳篷環路
amx_marqtimebetween 6.0 / /金額每一秒的選手是單獨列前的選手下一列
/ /加入留言
amx_join_leave 1 / /使/禁用加入/離開訊息
amx_leavemessage_enable 1 / /使/禁用假訊息
/ /實際訊息
/ / %名稱% =用戶姓名, rankpos % % =當前用戶級, \氮=新線
amx_enter_message " %名稱%加入! \ nenjoy服務器! \並發排名是百分之rankpos % "
amx_leave_message " %名稱%已經離開! \ nhope看到你的某個時候回來。 "
/ /產卵保護
sv_sp 1 / / cvar (指揮變量) ,為插件= 1 0 =對開
sv_sptime 2 / / cvar控制信息的時間( 1-10秒) ,默認5
sv_spmessage 0 / / cvar控制訊息= 1 0 =對開
sv_spshellthick 25 / / cvar控制輝光殼厚度0-100 ,默認25
sv_spglow 0 / / cvar控制輝光如果是激活或禁用, 0禁用輝光
/ / badaim
amx_autobantimed 1 / /設定是否自動禁止某人如果他們殺了,而下一個時間差的目的。 ( 1默認; 1 | 0 )
amx_autobanall 1 / / " ,得到下殺"要么型不良目的。 ( 1默認; 1 | 0 )
amx_ba_follow_immunity 1 / /設定是否不壞的目的如下免疫力規則管理員。 ( 1默認; 1 | 0 )
/ /阿莫西林超級添加於cvars (默認)
/ /一般cvars
/ /高萍磁鐵cvars
amx_hpk_on 1 / /轉入高萍磁鐵或關閉
amx_hpk_ping 200 / /平最高的球員是允許有
amx_hpk_check 12 / /秒之間的一個檢查運動員平
amx_hpk_tests 5 / /多少次播放的是屏前檢查踢
amx_hpk_delay 60 / /秒,然後開始檢查平後,球員加入
amx_hpk_immunity 1 / /使/停用免疫檢查,由插件