Where I come from, if you cut the wall repeteadly with your knife it means you're challenging your last opponent to a knife duel. ;-)I decided to automate this process.
If only you and another person on the opposite team remain in the round, you can hit a wall (or another object) with your knife, THREE TIMES in fast succession.
By this action you challenge your opponent to a knife duel. The person you challenge gets a menu where he can accept/decline your
challenge. The challenged person has 10 seconds to decide his mind, else the challenge is automatically declined, and the menu should be closed automatically.
Should a knife duel start, it works out pretty much like a round of Knife Arena: you can only use the knife (and the C4!).
As soon as the round ends the Knife Arena mode is turned off.
简单的说,当1 对1 单挑时,其余的人战死了,一方可以通过用刀割墙(默认 3 次)来向对方发出刀决斗的请求
回复: 两方单挑时,可发出刀决斗请求!
用刀割墙太麻烦了点,而且玩家也不一定知道这么做,要是能够在1V1的时候,系统能够给出菜单,让两位玩家选择是否刀战,如果两人都选择是的话,那么系统强行使两人切换到刀且不能使用其它武器,那样就比较完美了!回复: 两方单挑时,可发出刀决斗请求!
回复: 两方单挑时,可发出刀决斗请求!
嘿嘿 ,好点子,这插件是官网上下的,不是小弟我写的我也考虑了一些问题,如刀决斗,是不是大家都变成100 HP再来
否则少血的肯定不干的!还有最好自动转移到 如A 点,否则拿刀找不到人!
回复: 两方单挑时,可发出刀决斗请求!
呵呵,哪位高手拿来改改撒,改好了其实是一个不错的娱乐插件!回复: 两方单挑时,可发出刀决斗请求!
不错的插件!!!!!! 加以修改 你可能在要求决斗之前就被对方解决掉了 呵呵,也是的,HP的问题,和位置的问题,如果是比较大的图,找不到了,时间怎么算?决斗的时候时间还跑吗?刀割墙3次其实也可以的,但是剩下2个人的时候出现提示就可以了 这个插件是就HP的问题、把时间也定格,防止T找不到人