lu0007 发表于 2007-8-18 13:40:35

In-Game Ads 地图墙壁贴广告 2007-8-18 1.60版
wzf828发的是1.47 版

我这个是1.60 版,官网上的,他写着是支持动态Spr文件了,没测试 过!已经汉化!

可以使用 .mdl 和 .spr 文件 下图只举了两个例子自己在



需要键位绑定 +place_ad打开控制菜单
需要键位绑定 iga_closer调近
需要键位绑定 iga_farther 调远!

Change Log

05/22/07 - v1.60 - Added compatibility for animated sprites. Woohoo!!//动态Spr

05/10/07 - v1.50 - Small adjustment in distance from wall.

05/08/07 - v1.49 - Fixed newline character error in v1.48.

05/07/07 - v1.48 - Fixed issue with Linux compatibility.

                   - Added two commands for moving the advertisement.

04/21/07 - v1.47 - Overlooked ability for other users to control ad

In-Game Advertisement System v1.60
by stupok69, with many thanks to 10stars

Last updated 5/22/07

This plugin allows you to use a menu to place an entity flush with any wall, ceiling, floor, or entity. You can then modify the texture of the included wall.mdl, use your own model, or use a fixed sprite or regular sprite to contain an image or advertisement. You can save ads into a .txt file. These ads will automatically load.

Bind a key to +place_ad and hold down the key to place the entity flush with another surface. Let go of the key when the entity becomes flush with the surface. When you let go of the key, a menu will come up letting you choose a model/sprite and scale up/down the sprite.

For animated sprites, place the sprite on a wall just like any other sprite, save it, and then edit the mapname.txt to include frames and framerate.

Menu items 1-4 are precached models listed in
"mod/addons/amxmodx/configs/In-Game Ads/precache_list.cfg".

If you select save, the coordinates, angles, and scale will be saved into a .txt file located in
"mod/addons/amxmodx/configs/In-Game Ads/mapname.txt".

+place_ad - hold down to place an ad flush with a wall.
iga_closer - move the ad closer to you.
iga_farther - move the ad away from you.

lu0007 发表于 2007-8-18 13:41:21

回复: In-Game Ads 地图墙壁贴广告 2007-8-18 1.60版

占个位置 ,有用了朋友留个言:byebye:

AE86 发表于 2007-8-18 18:41:47

回复: In-Game Ads 地图墙壁贴广告 2007-8-18 1.60版


ceoguang 发表于 2007-8-18 18:56:36

回复: In-Game Ads 地图墙壁贴广告 2007-8-18 1.60版


lu0007 发表于 2007-8-18 19:06:56

回复: In-Game Ads 地图墙壁贴广告 2007-8-18 1.60版

Post by AE86
建议 相应板块的版主做个详尽的教程

yushuangxi520 发表于 2007-8-19 15:04:17

回复: In-Game Ads 地图墙壁贴广告 2007-8-18 1.60版

动态的SPR 不会啊

wzf828 发表于 2007-8-19 16:32:09

回复: In-Game Ads 地图墙壁贴广告 2007-8-18 1.60版

Post by lu0007
建议 相应板块的版主做个详尽的教程 0.


hikaru15jp 发表于 2007-8-23 16:30:29

回复: In-Game Ads 地图墙壁贴广告 2007-8-18 1.60版


dhjuji 发表于 2007-8-25 17:17:07

回复: In-Game Ads 地图墙壁贴广告 2007-8-18 1.60版


dhjuji 发表于 2007-8-25 17:17:17

回复: In-Game Ads 地图墙壁贴广告 2007-8-18 1.60版

看不明白,很烦因为懂得太少....哎模块及插件发布区 - 第2页 - 点通 - 授人以鱼,亦授人以渔
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查看完整版本: In-Game Ads 地图墙壁贴广告 2007-8-18 1.60版