STGG 发表于 2003-3-18 16:28:14


UnitedAdmins ClanMod 1.80.19 Beta
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 3.1 .0.4 Linux
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 3.1 .0.5 Linux
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 3.1 .0.6 Linux
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 3.1 .0.7 Linux
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 3.1 .0.8 Linux
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 3.1 .0.9 Linux
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 3.1 And Previous
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 3.1.1 .0 Linux
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 3.1.3 x
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 4.1 .0.4 Win32
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 4.1 .0.6 Win32
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 4.1 .0.7 Win32
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 4.1 .0.8 Win32
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 4.1 .0.9 Win32
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 4.1.1 .0 Win32
UnitedAdmins ClanMod 1.81.11 Beta
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 3.1 .0.4 Linux
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 3.1 .0.5 Linux
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 3.1 .0.6 Linux
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 3.1 .0.7 Linux
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 3.1 .0.8 Linux
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 3.1 .0.9 Linux
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 3.1 And Previous
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 3.1.1 .0 Linux
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 3.1.3 x
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 4.1 .0.4 Win32
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 4.1 .0.6 Win32
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 4.1 .0.7 Win32
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 4.1 .0.8 Win32
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 4.1 .0.9 Win32
   + Valve Software Half-Life Dedicated Server 4.1.1 .0 Win32

Half-Life ClanMod插件用于"半条命"游戏服务器。


2790 void CmdLogMessage()
2791 {
2792         if (CMD_ARGC() > 1) {
2793               UTIL_FillText((char*)CMD_ARGS()/*UTIL_GetVarArgs(1,FALSE)*/, NULL, 256,cmSet.allow_to_execute,NULL,
2794               UTIL_LogPrintf(UTIL_VarArgs("[%s] %s",Plugin_info.logtag,com_token));
2795         }
2796         else
2797               PrintErrorInfo("cm_log");
2799         //Close any opened gate
2800         cmSet.allow_to_execute_time = gpGlobals->time + 0.25;
2801 }


发布日期 2003-01-10
发现者 VOID.AT Security <>


yam 发表于 2003-3-19 11:33:41

stgg 开始研究安全啦???

cool ~~~

STGG 发表于 2003-3-19 15:59:52




becking 发表于 2003-3-19 16:02:10


STGG 发表于 2003-3-19 16:13:44



-|CatKinG|-*凹 发表于 2003-3-27 10:48:31

页: [1]
查看完整版本: ClanMod插件远程格式字符串漏洞