kinsprite 发表于 2006-11-30 09:09:18

csbot_enable_mm 打开CS 1.6中的机器人[Win32 & Linux]

CS 1.6的mp.dll 、 、cs_amd64.so中封装有CZbot,只是不能在CS下直接启用。该metamod模块可以让CS能启用里面的CZbot。

把 csbot_enable_mm.dll/ 放在addons\csbot_enable_mm\ 文件夹下面。
然后,在 ...\addons\metamod\plugins.ini 中添加下面一句就可以了。

win32 addons/csbot_enable_mm/csbot_enable_mm.dll
linux addons/csbot_enable_mm/

【注】其中csbot_enable_mm.so是Fedora Core 6下编译的。如你不能使用,自己下载源码重新编译。

如果你的cstrike目录下没有BotProfile.db, BotCampaignProfile.db, BotChatter.db ,可以下载

lhping 发表于 2006-11-30 11:30:09

回复: csbot_enable_mm 打开CS 1.6中的机器人[Win32 & Linux]


AE86 发表于 2006-11-30 23:18:00

回复: csbot_enable_mm 打开CS 1.6中的机器人[Win32 & Linux]

:) :spiderman

CGstorm 发表于 2006-12-1 09:09:08

回复: csbot_enable_mm 打开CS 1.6中的机器人[Win32 & Linux]


weipfei 发表于 2006-12-1 09:41:21

回复: csbot_enable_mm 打开CS 1.6中的机器人[Win32 & Linux]

bot人数控制,bot智能控制呢? 要在控制台里输入吗?

kinsprite 发表于 2006-12-1 13:11:07

回复: csbot_enable_mm 打开CS 1.6中的机器人[Win32 & Linux]

Post by weipfei
bot人数控制,bot智能控制呢? 要在控制台里输入吗?

我的 上面有完整的CZbot命令与变量问题。



bot_add_ct // 添加一个机器人
Causes a bot to be added to the game. "bot_add" will add a bot to the team specified by the "bot_join_team" cvar. "bot_add_t" and "bot_add_ct" forces the bot onto the respective teams.

bot_kill <name, "all">// 杀死机器人
This command takes either the name of a bot, or the keyword "all" - causing all bots in the game to be killed.

bot_kick <name, "all"> // 踢出机器人
This command takes either the name of a bot, or the keyword "all" - causing all bots in the game to be kicked.


bot_difficulty // 机器人难度
This cvar determines the difficulty of all newly created bots (existing bots will retain the difficulty setting they were created with). Zero = easy, 1 = normal, 2 = hard, 3 = expert. Difficulty values higher than 3 are reset to 3.

bot_quota <minimum number of bots>   // 机器人数量
Setting this cvar to a nonzero value will cause the given number of bots to be maintained in the game. If a bot is kicked, a new bot will be added to maintain the quota. To disable the quota, set it to zero.

bot_prefix <string>   // 机器人名字的前缀
The given <string> will be prefixed to all subsequently added bot names. This is useful for "clan-tagging" bots.

bot_join_team // 机器人添加到哪个团队
Determines which team the bots will join.

bot_join_after_player    // 机器人是否在玩家进入后才添加
If nonzero, the bots will wait to join the game until at least one human player has joined.

kinsprite 发表于 2006-12-1 13:14:36

回复: csbot_enable_mm 打开CS 1.6中的机器人[Win32 &amp; Linux]

Post by CGstorm

CZ的机器人你没有见过? 高级机器人, IA比一般菜鸟要好多, 枪法也准确. 专家级, 拿awp时枪枪毙命. CZbot还可以自动分析路点.

cookie 发表于 2006-12-12 09:02:00

回复: csbot_enable_mm 打开CS 1.6中的机器人[Win32 &amp; Linux]


7830818 发表于 2007-1-10 22:51:48

回复: csbot_enable_mm 打开CS 1.6中的机器人[Win32 &amp; Linux]

晕!不会看!!!:p :byebye:

mythkina 发表于 2007-1-13 12:01:06

回复: csbot_enable_mm 打开CS 1.6中的机器人[Win32 &amp; Linux]

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