[共享] 只买头盔插件[可以省650块钱]
例如 有时候你已经有了88的防弹衣而没有头盔 这时候你不必花大头钱买不必要的防弹衣了
注意 如果你根本没有防弹衣 那头盔也没用 系统默认:brick:
HELMET_COST350 头盔价钱 默认350
HELMET_BUY_SOUND买头盔声音 默认是买防弹衣的声音
回复: [共享] 只买头盔插件[可以省650块钱]
[*]Buy a HelmetIntroduction
[*]Do you ever want to buy just a helmet without kevlar vest? Now it is possible!
Sometimes it may be logically to buy only helmet in case you have enough armor.
All you need to do it is just bind a client console command "helmet" to a button.
Note: if you have no armor at all your helmet is useless (as CS standard behaviour).Features
[*]Plugin was successfully tested and comply all appropriate CS standards:
[*]- helmet cost = kevlar vest and helmet cost - kevlar vest cost = $350 (may be changed)
- buy helmet sound the same as kevlar vest/(and helmet) buy sound (may be changed)
- displaying of armor/helmet HUD icon is correct at any time/state
- buy helmet process absolutely obey all CS buy standards:
[*]- you must be alive
- you must be in buyzone
- obey buytime limit + CS standard center text message
- you can't buy a helmet if you already have one + CS standard text center message
- you must have enough money + CS standard text center messageModules
[*]HELMET_COST - helmet cost (default: 350)
HELMET_BUY_SOUND - helmet buy sound filename (default: "items/ammopickup2.wav")Commands
[*]helmet - allows to a player buy a helmetCVARs
[*]I didn't include any cvars intentionally (in my opinion there are nothing needed to be changed).
I assume no one would ask for plugin on/off cvar (i think it must be always "on" like CS default).
Anyway you can pause/stop plugin if you wish (use amx_pausecfg console command for details).
回复: [共享] 只买头盔插件[可以省650块钱]
回复: [共享] 只买头盔插件[可以省650块钱]
- - 狠了,没JB用啊