地图出生点编辑器Map Spawns Editor v1.0 update [2006-10-23]
在AMXX官方看到的,觉得很适用,所以分享给大家,插件带中文语言文件。:D插件作者:jopmako //不知是否国人。
This plugin let you ( add & del & edit ) map spawns absolute easy.
/* What's for::
[*]* A lot of map have spawndeath & bad position & less spawns problem I know since I has made a server 5 months.
[*]How can we fix this? I use some tools todo this but it hard use and do something when you are playing the game.
[*]I got the way to do this, so I made this plugin.
[*]* How easy?
[*]1, One plugin and use one menu you can do all thing.
[*]2, Edit spawns and change spawns angle at anytime without restart server or reload map just use save function.
[*]3, Add & Del spawns just reload map once (you can Del all spawns if you want)*/
/* Requirements::
[*]AMX Mod X 1.76a or greater
[*]Engine module
/* Install Instructions::
[*]* put the amxx file Map_Spawns_Editor.amxx to (addons\amxmodx\plugins) folder
[*]* put the lang file map_spawns_editor.txt to (addons\amxmodx\data\lang) folder
/* Description::
[*]1,Load the map which need to be edit spawns.
[*]2,Join server with ADMIN_BAN and bind a key with amx_editor_menu command.
[*]3,Type amx_spawn_editor 1 in console to enable editor function
[*]4,Push your binded key to open editor menu.(all function in menu)
[*]5,Now Add & Del & Edit use menu.(change angle and del spawn you need aim spawn what is need to be made)
[*]6,Finally, select <save all spawns> in menu when you finished and the changes will be activated.
[*]NOTICE: If your (Editor Spawns) diff. to (Origina Spawns) that the map needs to be reloaded once to activate your changes.
/* Console Commands::
[*]* amx_spawn_editor 1/0 // Enable & Disable Editor Function
[*]* amx_editor_menu // open Editor Menu
/* Change Log::
[*]* v1.0Rewrite all code, it's almost a new one.
[*]Fixed the Del spawns can not be less than orgign limit.
[*]Added change spawn vangle left&right function.
[*]Added easily create above player spawn function.
[*]Added auto create (spawns) folder function if it's not exist.
[*]Added multi-lingual support
[*]Added Cvar map_spawns record spawns lets HLSW or Server Tools can see how many spawns in that map.
[*]* First release. v0.5
[*]it works but have more bad code
/* Credits::
[*]help & some code from them
[*]* FreeCode, BAILOPAN, VEN, oneofthedragon
[*]* and more...
/* multi-lingual */
[*] - created by Zuko
[*] - created by KylixMynxAltoLAG
[*] - created by |PJ| Shorty
[*] - created by commonbullet
/* Screenshots::
Attached Thumbnailshttp://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=11462&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1161509881
Attached Fileshttp://forums.alliedmods.net/images/attach/sma.gifGet Plugin or Get Source (Map_Spawns_Editor.sma - 52 views - 28.6 KB)
http://forums.alliedmods.net/images/attach/txt.gifmap_spawns_editor.txt (9.7 KB, 27 views)
回复: 地图出生点编辑器Map Spawns Editor v1.0 update [2006-10-23]
没搞错吧。。。。那么多人。。。回复: 地图出生点编辑器Map Spawns Editor v1.0 update [2006-10-23]
呵可。。。正好我有用。。。。。不知道怎么用?。。发个说明行不。。我是菜鸟。。 可找到了。。不容易啊。。 有了这个插件,是不是就完全不用自己一张一张改地图出生点了?比如我服务器支持32人,但某张地图只有24个出生点,我还得去改图,用了这个就不用了? 试用了一下这个插件,太强大了~谢谢楼主 这个功能没有开启不知是怎么回事 整缺这个,,久旱逢甘露啊 下载了不知道咋用 好懂懂啊!!