sgcyc 发表于 2006-9-21 13:00:43


A的配置为:P4-2.8\512+256DDR\915主板+普通网卡 (直接接外网)
B的配置为:XEON2.8\2GB内存\(IBM品牌服务器)         (通过A机进行端口映射)


hostname "CS1.5/1.6服务器"

sv_lan 0
sv_region 4
sys_ticrate 600
sv_password ""
rcon_password "24134134"
allow_spectators 1
decalfrequency 60
edgefriction 2
host_framerate 0
pausable 0
mp_autocrosshair 0
mp_autokick 0
mp_autoteambalance 1
mp_buytime 0.25
mp_c4timer 35
mp_chattime 5
mp_fadetoblack 0
mp_falldamage 1
mp_flashlight 1
mp_footsteps 1
mp_forcechasecam 2
mp_forcecamera 2
mp_forcecam 2
mp_fraglimit 0
mp_freezetime 1
mp_friendlyfire 0
mp_friendly_grenade_damage 1
mp_hostagepenalty 0
mp_logdetail 0
mp_logfile 1
mp_logmessages 1
mp_limitteams 1
mp_maxround 0
mp_roundtime 2.50
mp_startmoney 800
mp_timelimit 40
mp_tkpunish 0
mp_winlimit 0
sv_maxrate 20000
sv_minrate 0
sv_stepsize 18
sv_stopspeed 75
sv_unlag 1
sv_maxunlag 0.5
sv_unlagsamples 1
sv_unlagpush 0
sv_maxupdaterate 20
sv_airaccelerate 10
sv_allowdownload 1
sv_send_logos 0
sv_send_resources 1
sv_allowupload 0
sv_cheats 0
sv_clienttrace 1
sv_clipmode 0
sv_gravity 800
sv_maxspeed 320
sv_voiceenable 1
sv_restartround 0
sv_restart 0
sv_alltalk 0
sv_voicequality 5
sv_aim 0
sv_airmove 1
sv_spectatormaxspeed 1000
log on

// booster_show_connmsg --
// 2: Large connmessage
// 1: small connmessage
// 0: disabled
booster_show_connmsg 1

// booster_autofps --
// Automaticly changes value of sys_ticrate to get server run at fps value defined in //this cvar.
// Minimum sys_ticrate that set is 100, maximum 1000.
booster_autofps 1000

// booster_minsleepms --
// Minimum sleep time set to mmsystem. 1.41-1.44 used 1ms which might cause some timer //problems
// with Win2k.
// 1ms makes server to run at max 1000fps
// 2ms -||- max 500fps
// 3ms -||- max 333fps (booster default)
// 4ms -||- max 250fps
// 10ms -||- max 100fps (OS default)
// Default value is 3ms. Value range is 1 to 10.
// !NOTE! systemwide effect! all timers will get accurency that booster sets!
// !NOTE! If you run other programs that use multimedia timer tweak values that booster has set
// might get overridden!
booster_minsleepms 1

// booster_force_systicrate --
// Less than 50 : Disabled
// More than or equal to 50 : Forces value of sys_ticrate to value of this cvar
// !NOTE! Setting more than or equal to 50 overrides booster_autofps feature
booster_force_systicrate 0
exec listip.cfg
exec banned.cfg
cdrequiredversion auto
cdrequired 0

// Begin cfg
        // These values are the recomended values. Please feel free to change them.
        // This part of a message that will be displayed to NO C-D players.
        // Try to limit the number of charecters to something that will fit in one line.
        cdpunish_disarm                        2        // 0=off 1=no cd only 2=old cd and no cd
        cdpunish_requireauth                1        // 0=trusted 1=treat as No C-D 2=Treat as Old C-D
        cdpunish_moneymanager                1        // 1=on 0=off
        // cdpunish_cdauthmoney, cdnoauthmoney and cdoldauthmoney
        // are intergers that represent a percentage of money that will be
        // added or subtracted from the players winnings each time they make
        // money. That will be when they spawn, when the get a kill, when
        // they rescue a hostage and so on.
        // to set no loss and no gain use 100
        // to set 60% loss use 60
        // to set 30% gain use 130
        cdpunish_cdauthmoney 110 // If C-D gives +10%
        cdpunish_cdnoauthmoney 20 // if No C-D subtracts 80%
        cdpunish_cdoldauthmoney 50 // if Old C-D subtracts 50%

        // The following are the weapon restriction rules.
        // 0 = unrestricted
        // 1 = No C-D restricted
        // 2 = No C-D and Old C-D restricted
        // By default all restrictions are off
        cdpunish_p228                        2
        cdpunish_shield                        2
        cdpunish_scout                        2
        cdpunish_xm1014                        2
        cdpunish_mac10                        2
        cdpunish_aug                        2
        cdpunish_elite                        2
        cdpunish_fiveseven                2
        cdpunish_ump45                        2
        cdpunish_sg550                        2
        cdpunish_galil                        2
        cdpunish_famas                        2
        cdpunish_usp                        0
        cdpunish_glock18                0
        cdpunish_awp                         2
        cdpunish_mp5navy                2
        cdpunish_m249                        2
        cdpunish_m3                        2
        cdpunish_m4a1                        2
        cdpunish_tmp                        2
        cdpunish_g3sg1                        2
        cdpunish_deagle                        2
        cdpunish_sg552                        2
        cdpunish_ak47                        2
        cdpunish_p90                        2
        cdpunish_awp                        2
        cdpunish_hegrenade                2
        cdpunish_flashbang                2
        cdpunish_smokegrenade                2
        cdpunish_nvgs                        2
        cdpunish_defuser                2
        cdpunish_vest                        2
        cdpunish_vesthelm                2
        cdpunish_primammo                2
        cdpunish_secammo                2
        // End cfg
sv_enableoldqueries 1
//sv_downloadurl ""

czjtxywb 发表于 2006-9-21 13:11:57

回复: 有一个问题解决不了..卡的问题.请大家看看

sv_maxupdaterate 20???????值太小了吧,换个50 以上的值看看

xiaolysh 发表于 2006-9-22 08:39:58

回复: 有一个问题解决不了..卡的问题.请大家看看


degame 发表于 2006-9-22 23:59:10

回复: 有一个问题解决不了..卡的问题.请大家看看

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查看完整版本: 有一个问题解决不了..卡的问题.请大家看看