感谢作者Johnny got his gun vbmenu_register("postmenu_131384", true);
AMX Mod X Team Member
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
Karma: 353
http://forums.alliedmods.net/images/misc/post_spacer.gif http://forums.alliedmods.net/images/statusicon/post_old.gif 07-21-05 , 10:15 AM Kick the nades
http://forums.alliedmods.net/images/buttons/quote.gif http://forums.alliedmods.net/images/buttons/multiquote_off.gif http://forums.alliedmods.net/images/buttons/quickreply.gif #1 Look at a close grenade and press use button to kick it away. You can kick smokes, HEs and flashes.
You can only kick one grenade at a time.
You can tweak some stuff through a number of cvars:
kickthenades_radius Default 75. Increase to be able to kick grenades that are further away. The closest grenade will always be kicked first.
kickthenades_speed Default 1000. Increase to make nades get a heavier punch.
kickthenades_height Default -50. Affects the angle of a kicked nade. Decrease to make the nade fly more upwards, increase to make it fly closer to the ground.
Attached Fileshttp://forums.alliedmods.net/images/attach/sma.gifGet Plugin or Get Source (kickthenades.sma - 1468 views - 7.0 KB)
回复: {共享}踢手雷插件
什麼意思??踢手雷???手雷在地上可以踢?回复: {共享}踢手雷插件
Post by 0920357689什麼意思??踢手雷???手雷在地上可以踢?
恭喜你答对了:sure: :sure: :sure: :sure: :boss: :boss: :boss:
回复: {共享}踢手雷插件
plcompiler_vb.cgi ?????/ 什么东东 ???回复: {共享}踢手雷插件
模拟DOD按E捡起手雷?回复: {共享}踢手雷插件