* Super HE Grenades
* By pcboy
* Version 1.1
* For Counter-Strike 1.6 ONLY
* Category: Fun Stuff
* E-mail: chiho3212@gmail.com (DO NOT SPAM)
* MSN: chiho3212@hotmail.com
* ICQ: 145-143-474 (Need to be authorized)
* This plugin was created under the encouragements by Charming and Mini_Midget. *
* Without you, I won't script plugins anymore. *
* People who discourage me please get away and don't use this plugin. *
************************************ Credits ************************************
* T(+)rget
* Helped me, with the extra damage in he grenades
******************************* What does this do *******************************
This plugin lets you to buy super HE grenades. Super HE grenades are with
higher damage.
************************************* CVARs *************************************
* amx_supnades
* Values avaliable: 0 or 1 only
* Default: 1
* amx_suphecost
* Values avaliable: Any integers
* Default: 600
* The cost of a super HE grenade.
******************************** Client Commands ********************************
* say /showprices
* Flags needed: User (Anyone)
* Show the prices of a super HE grenade and a super flashbang.
* say /buyhe
* Flags needed: User (Anyone)
* Buy a super HE grenade
*********************************** Changelog ***********************************
* 1.0.2
* Minor update. Just added suphe_version cvar for finding server easily.
* 1.0.1
* Fixed buy time bug
* 1.0
* Initial Release
#include <amxmodx>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fun>
#include <engine>
new bool:hasHE
new price
new bool:buy_allow
new bool:buying
// new gmsgDeathMsg // For 1.1 use
public plugin_init() {
register_plugin("Super HE Grenades", "1.0.2", "pcboy")
// gmsgDeathMsg = get_user_msgid("DeathMsg") // For 1.1 use
register_cvar("suphe_version", "1.0.2")
register_cvar("amx_supnades", "1")
register_cvar("amx_suphecost", "600")
register_clcmd("say /showprices", "showPrices")
register_clcmd("say /buyhe", "buyHe")
register_event("ResetHUD", "advertiseSupHE", "b")
register_event("Damage", "Damage_event", "b", "2>0")
set_task(1.0, "checkCost")
register_event("StatusIcon", "buyzone_icon", "be", "2=buyzone")
register_event("RoundTime", "RoundTime_event", "bc")
public client_connect(id) {
hasHE = false
public client_disconnect(id) {
hasHE = false
public checkCost() {
price = get_cvar_num("amx_suphecost")
if (price <= 0) {
set_cvar_num("amx_suphecost", 600)
server_print(" The cost of a super HE grenade has been changed to $600 due to the value is too low.")
if (price > 16000) {
set_cvar_num("amx_suphecost", 600)
server_print(" The cost of a super HE grenade has been changed to $600 due to the value is too high.")
set_task(1.0, "checkCost")
public advertiseSupHE(id) {
price = get_cvar_num("amx_suphecost")
if(!get_cvar_num("amx_supnades")) return PLUGIN_HANDLED
client_print(id, print_chat, " Super HE Grenades is enabled on this server.")
client_print(id, print_chat, " 1 Super HE Grenade costs $%i.", price)
client_print(id, print_chat, " Say ^"/buyhe^" to buy one.")
public showPrices(id) {
price = get_cvar_num("amx_suphecost")
if (!get_cvar_num("amx_supnades")) {
client_print(id, print_chat, " The plugin is disabled!")
client_print(id, print_chat, " A super HE Grenade costs $%i.", price)
client_print(id, print_chat, " Say ^"/buyhe^" to buy one.")
public buyHe(id) {
price = get_cvar_num("amx_suphecost")
if (!get_cvar_num("amx_supnades")) {
client_print(id, print_chat, " The plugin is disabled!")
if(!is_user_alive(id)) {
client_print(id, print_chat, " Dead men buy nothing.")
new myMoney = cs_get_user_money(id)
new myMoneyleft = myMoney-price
if (price > myMoney) {
client_print(id , print_center , "You have insufficient funds!")
client_print(id, print_chat, " You can't buy a super HE Grenade because you don't have enough money.")
client_print(id, print_chat, " A super HE Grenade costs $%i.", price)
if (cs_get_user_bpammo(id, CSW_HEGRENADE) == 1) {
client_print(id, print_center, "You cannot carry anymore!")
if(buying && buy_allow)
cs_set_user_money(id, myMoneyleft)
hasHE = true
client_print(id, print_chat, " You have just bought a super HE grenade for $%i.", price)
give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade")
else if(!buying) engclient_print(id, engprint_center, "%i seconds have passed.^nYou can't buy anything now!", floatround(get_cvar_float("mp_buytime") * 60))
public Damage_event(id) {
new wpn, body, attacker = get_user_attacker(id, wpn, body)
// Its a Grenade
if(wpn == 4 && hasHE)
new Float:hp = float(get_user_health(id))
new Float:dmg = float(read_data(2))
dmg *= 0.5
new damage = floatround(hp - dmg)
set_user_health(id, damage)
public buyzone_icon(id)
if(!buying) buy_allow = false
else buy_allow = true
else buy_allow = false
public RoundTime_event()
new Float:roundtime = get_cvar_float("mp_roundtime") * 60.0
new rtime = read_data(1)
if(get_cvar_num("mp_freezetime") == rtime)
if(task_exists(5681)) remove_task(5681)
buying = true
if(roundtime == rtime)
new Float:buy_time = get_cvar_float("mp_buytime") * 60
set_task(buy_time, "buy_task", 5681)
public buy_task()
buying = false
回复: 请教大家一个代码问题
public Damage_event(id) {new wpn, body, attacker = get_user_attacker(id, wpn, body)
// Its a Grenade
if(wpn == 4 && hasHE)
new Float:hp = float(get_user_health(id))
new Float:dmg = float(read_data(2))
dmg *= 0.5
new damage = floatround(hp - dmg)
set_user_health(id, damage)
回复: 请教大家一个代码问题