我的服用的是amxx1.6我看其他服里都有这个效果:某某杀了个人后 在屏幕的左手边就会显示:某某干得好! 如果某某连续杀人后 就显示:某某是个杀人狂!等等的信息。我menu 在数据统计里面改了好多参数但是以上效果还是出不来,请问高手,应该改哪个参数?
回复: 请问个amxx的初级问题。
1.show killer hp&ap
2.show Attackers
3.show Victims
4.show killer
5.show Team Score
6.show Total Stats
7.show BestScore
1.show Most Disruptve
2.HUND stat default
3.Dist&Hs in HUN lists
4.Stats at the end of map
5.Top15 at the end of map
6.say /hp
7.say /statsme
1.say /rankstats
2.say /me
3.say /rank
4.say /report
5.say /score
6.say /top15
7.say /stats
1.Misc say commands
2.Spec.Rank lnfo
5.Bomb Planting
6.Bomb Defusing
7.Bomb planted
1.Bomb Defuse Succ
2.Bomb Def. Failure
3.Bomb PickUp
4.Bomb Drop
5.Bomb Count Down
6.Bomb Count Down (def)
7.Bomb Site Reached
1.ltaly Bonus Kill
2.Last Man
3.Knife Kill
4.Knife Kill Sound
5.Grenade Kill
6.Grenade Suicide
7.HeadShot Kill
1.HeadShot Kill Sound
2.Round Counter
3.Round Counter Sound
4.Killing Streak
5.Killing Streak Sound
6.Enemy Remaining
7.Doubke Kill
1.Dounbke Kill Sound
2.Player Name
3.First Blood Sound
你把下面这些替换到你 addons\amxmodx\configs\stats.ini 里边就可以了
ShowAttackers ;Show Attackers
ShowVictims ;Show Victims
ShowStats ;HUD-stats default
ShowDistHS ;Dist&HS in HUD lists
EndPlayer ;Stats at the end of map
EndTop15 ;Top15 at the end of map
SayStatsMe ;Say /statsme
SayRankStats ;Say /rankstats
SayMe ;Say /me
SayRank ;Say /rank
SayReport ;Say /report
SayScore ;Say /score
SayTop15 ;Say /top15
SayStatsAll ;Say /stats
MultiKill ;MultiKill
MultiKillSound ;MultiKillSound
BombPlanting ;Bomb Planting
BombDefusing ;Bomb Defusing
BombPlanted ;Bomb Planted
BombDefused ;Bomb Defuse Succ.
BombFailed ;Bomb Def. Failure
BombPickUp ;Bomb PickUp
BombDrop ;Bomb Drop
BombCountVoice ;Bomb Count Down
BombCountDef ;Bomb Count Down (def)
BombReached ;Bomb Site Reached
ItalyBonusKill ;Italy Bonus Kill
LastMan ;Last Man
KnifeKill ;Knife Kill
KnifeKillSound ;Knife Kill Sound
GrenadeKill ;Grenade Kill
GrenadeSuicide ;Grenade Suicide
HeadShotKill ;HeadShot Kill
HeadShotKillSound ;HeadShot Kill Sound
RoundCounter ;Round Counter
RoundCounterSound ;Round Counter Sound
KillingStreak ;Killing Streak
KillingStreakSound ;Killing Streak Sound
DoubleKillSound ;Double Kill Sound
PlayerName ;Player Name
FirstBloodSound ;First Blood Sound
这样就可以了 一般事件效果都开启了。。。
带sound 的是声音效果不要可以关闭的
回复: 请问个amxx的初级问题。
回复: 请问个amxx的初级问题。
KillerChat ;Show killer hp&apShowAttackers ;Show Attackers
ShowVictims ;Show Victims
ShowTeamScore ;Show Team Score
ShowBestScore ;Show Best Score
ShowStats ;HUD-stats default
SayRankStats ;Say /rankstats
SayMe ;Say /me
SayRank ;Say /rank
SayTop15 ;Say /top15
SayStatsAll ;Say /stats
MultiKill ;MultiKill
BombCountVoice ;Bomb Count Down
BombCountDef ;Bomb Count Down (def)
KnifeKill ;Knife Kill
KnifeKillSound ;Knife Kill Sound
GrenadeKill ;Grenade Kill
GrenadeSuicide ;Grenade Suicide
HeadShotKill ;HeadShot Kill
RoundCounter ;Round Counter
KillingStreak ;Killing Streak
DoubleKill ;Double Kill
DoubleKillSound ;Double Kill Sound
FirstBloodSound ;First Blood Sound
回复: 请问个amxx的初级问题。
十分感谢!!!:em02: :em02: