amx_bank 1.7 银行插件,偶汉化的第一个插件:)
前几日在AMXX官方论坛闲逛时发现了这个好玩的插件,使用后感觉还不错。于是决定汉化它,偶汉化的第一个插件,水平有限!:byebye: :byebye:
运行需要AMXX1.71, by the way AMXX1.75发布啦!
bank_open - 允许玩家使用银行
bank_close - 关闭银行功能(查询余额保留)
bank_givemoney <player> <amount> - 给任意玩家钱
-bank_create - Create a bank acount. If you have enough money, the value of the bank_default_opening cvar will be automatically deposited.
-bank_amount - Display the balance of your bank account.
-bank_deposit <amount> - Deposit money in your account.
-bank_withdraw <amount> - Withdraw money from your account.
-bank_help - Show the bank help window.
-bank_transfer <player> <amount> - Transfer money from your account to another player's account. Both players must have an account for this to work.
-bank_menu - Display the bank menu.
---I suggest binding these-----
-maxdep - Deposit all your money on hand.
-maxwit - Withdraw money until you have $16000 on hand or you run out of money in your account.
-bank_default_opening (default 1000; in $) - Set the amount that will be automatically deposited from a player when that player opens a new account. If they do not have enough, what ever they have will be deposited.
-bank_state (default 1; 0|1) - Turn the bank on/off. Use bank_open/bank_close instead because they give a message to the players.
-bank_min_players (default 2) - Minimum amount of players required to access bank functions.
-bank_restrict (default 0; 0|1|2) - Set whether or not to restrict bank usages to a defined list of players or admins not at all. If you use files the file will be addons/amxmodx/configs/bankusers.ini or if you use SQL it will be in the table bankusers. Just add their SteamID to either one and you're set. Setting to 1 will restrict to admins only and setting to 2 will restrict to the list.
-bank_interest_rounds (default 15) - Number of rounds between giving interest.
-bank_interest_rate (default 0.01) - Percent of money in bank to give as interest. (0.01 = 1%)
-bank_fees_base (default 0; in $) - Bank fee for first transaction in each round
-bank_fees_increase (default 0; in $) - Increase in the current bank fee per transaction.
-bank_offrounds (default 1) - How many rounds to wait to turn on the bank at the beginning of the map.
-bank_msg (default "This server is using AMX Bank. Type bank_help in console to find out how to use it.") - Set the message displayed to tell people that the bank is running.
-bank_msg_interval (default 60) - Set the rate in seconds at which the message is displayed.
-bank_use_ip (default 0; 0|1) - Set whether or not to use IP based accounts. Default is using SteamID based accounts.
SQLON (default 0;0|1) - Define whether or not to use SQL.
HELPPAGE[] (default "") - Change this URL if you wish to use a different help page then the one I have provided.
If you wish to make your own help page and upload it some where, find the line that says new HELPPAGE[] = and replace the address that's in the quotes with the web address of your new help page.
回复: amx_bank 1.7 银行插件,偶汉化的第一个插件:)
请问。。AMXX1.6能用吗??如果不能用 请高手们改动一下。。。能在AMXX1.6 下使用的。。。
回复: amx_bank 1.7 银行插件,偶汉化的第一个插件:)
Post by 追风请问。。AMXX1.6能用吗??
如果不能用 请高手们改动一下。。。能在AMXX1.6 下使用的。。。
回复: amx_bank 1.7 银行插件,偶汉化的第一个插件:)
呵呵 我试了不能在AMXX下编译。。 需要高手解决。。。既然是楼主第一次汉化还是要顶的。。毕竟是好东西 。。虽然不能用。。顶起来给能用的朋友 分享吧。。。
希望高手能编译一个 AMXX1.6的
回复: amx_bank 1.7 银行插件,偶汉化的第一个插件:)
//// amx_bank_cn.sma// D:\Cs1.6中文版\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\amx_bank_cn.sma(67) : error 0
17: undefined symbol "formatex"
// D:\Cs1.6中文版\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\amx_bank_cn.sma(71) : error 0
17: undefined symbol "formatex"
// D:\Cs1.6中文版\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\amx_bank_cn.sma(142) : error
017: undefined symbol "formatex"
// D:\Cs1.6中文版\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\amx_bank_cn.sma(171) : error
017: undefined symbol "formatex"
// 4 Errors.
// Could not locate output file D:\Cs1.6中文版\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\
compiled\amx_bank_cn.amx (compile failed).
// Compilation Time: 0.16 sec
// ----------------------------------------
Press enter to exit ...
回复: amx_bank 1.7 银行插件,偶汉化的第一个插件:)
插件是amx的,樓主是不是弄錯了?:confused:回复: amx_bank 1.7 银行插件,偶汉化的第一个插件:)
回复: amx_bank 1.7 银行插件,偶汉化的第一个插件:)
回复: amx_bank 1.7 银行插件,偶汉化的第一个插件:)
回复: amx_bank 1.7 银行插件,偶汉化的第一个插件:)
需要2个以上的玩家才能启动,所以没有测试.我修改了一下.register_plugin("AMX Bank","1.7","作者twistedeuphoria汉化R0C修改caihanzi")
register_concmd("bank_create","bank_create",ADMIN_USER,"Create a new bank account.")
register_concmd("bank_close","bank_close",ADMIN_CVAR,"Close the AMX Bank.")
register_concmd("bank_open","bank_open",ADMIN_CVAR,"Open the AMX Bank for business.")
register_concmd("bank_amount","bank_amount",ADMIN_USER,"Display the amount of money you have in the bank.")
register_concmd("bank_deposit","bank_deposit",ADMIN_USER,"<amount> :Deposit money into your bank account.")
register_concmd("bank_withdraw","bank_withdrawl",ADMIN_USER,"<amount> :Withdraw money from your bank account.")
register_concmd("bank_help","bank_help",ADMIN_USER,"Open up the help for the bank.")
register_concmd("bank_transfer","bank_transfer",ADMIN_USER,"<user> <amount> : Transfer money to another player.")
register_concmd("bank_givemoney","bank_givemoney",ADMIN_CVAR,"<user> <amount> : Give a user money.")
register_concmd("bank_menu","bank_menu",ADMIN_USER,"Open the bank menu.")
register_concmd("maxdep","deposit_maximum",ADMIN_USER,"Deposit all your money.")
register_concmd("maxwit","withdrawl_maximum",ADMIN_USER,"Withdrawl until you have $16000 or your bank account is empty.")
register_cvar("bank_restrict","0") // 0 = All user can use the bank 1 = Only users defined in file or SQL
register_cvar("bank_fees_base","0") //Base bank fee in $
register_cvar("bank_fees_increase","0") //Added to the base fee for each transaction in a round
register_cvar("bank_offrounds","1") //How many rounds from the start of the map will bank be off for
register_menucmd(register_menuid("Bank Menu:"),1023,"bank_menu_cmd")
register_logevent("giveinterest",2,"0=World triggered","1=Round_Start")
register_event("Money", "hookmoney", "b")
请大家帮忙测试. :)