以下是README:byebye:Program: Cheating-Death Notify
Version: 1.01
Author: James Couzens (Prodigy) (jcouzens@uhfco.net)
Info: A MetaMod plugin for Half-Life Mods
Date: April 7, 2001 (Updated to 1.01)
Trying to motivate your users to install cheating death?This plugin
is for you.Choose the mode that best reflects your server's playerbase.
If you've just put C-D on your server, and none of your regulars have it
or want it, start with mode 4.As time goes by you should eventually
turn it to mode 0.
MM Vars:
cdnotify_style x
: 0 - Slay, Fade, Voice, Text, disconnect (default)
: 1 - Slay, Fade, Voice, Text
: 2 - Fade, Voice, Text
: 3 - Slay, Voice, Text
: 4 - Voice, Text, Annoy* (recommended)
*Annoy displayed "HEY YOU!INSTALL CHEATING-DEATH!!!!" for three minutes
directly in the players cross-hairs.NOTE: Annoy doesn't work with NS.
Example server.cfg:
cdrequired 0
cdnovalidatecmd "cdNotValidated %d"
cdoldvalidatecmd "cdNotValidated %d"
cdnotify_style 4
1.01 - BugFix, timers were not being cleared after they were used,
causing players to only be warned once.
1.00 - Initial Release
Thanks: hullu (unstuck timer code)
回复: 【插件】cdnotify是干什么的呢?
提供一下下载。。。:d:回复: 【插件】cdnotify是干什么的呢?
C-D Notify MetaMod Plugin, Cheating-Death Awareness/NotificationIt works with CS 1.6/STEAM etc.. It only notifies ONCE as the player first connects. I'll try to figure out soon when I get time. However, its still quite effective.
Hullu has just told me that C-D no longer re-checks players who have failed C-D auth like in previous versions. I will fix C-D notify to work on a timer to continually re-notify players who don't disconnect and install C-D.
回复: 【插件】cdnotify是干什么的呢?
金闪闪、boe、leon008怎么都跑不见了?????:rolleyes:回复: 【插件】cdnotify是干什么的呢?
回复: 【插件】cdnotify是干什么的呢?
金闪闪、boe、leon008帮忙解答一下下吧:embarrass回复: 【插件】cdnotify是干什么的呢?
应该是折磨那些不开CD的的得吧回复: 【插件】cdnotify是干什么的呢?
回复: 【插件】cdnotify是干什么的呢?
回复: 【插件】cdnotify是干什么的呢?