酷虫2000 发表于 2003-2-2 17:01:31

【SOS】PsychoStats v1.9 PHP的问题

d:/Hlserver2/cstrike/logs }
*FATAL*02-02-2003 : 15:29:52 - Error opening log directory: { d:/Hlserver2/cstrike/logs }
*FATAL*02-02-2003 : 16:23:05 - Error opening log directory: { d:/Hlserver2/cstrike/logs }
*FATAL*02-02-2003 : 16:34:59 - Error opening log directory: { d:/Hlserver2/cstrike/logs }

酷虫2000 发表于 2003-2-2 17:48:31


LogPath                = { d:/HLServer2/cstrike/logs }
HtmlPath        = d:/HLServer2/cstrike/stats
modType                = cstrike
HTMLtheme         = cstrikephp19
PicsPath        = d:/HLServer2/cstrike/stats/images/mappics
DLPath                = d:/HLServer2/cstrike/maps
ForceThemeCopy        = 1
ClosedLogsOnly        = 0
EnableSTATSMEdmg        = 1
awardfile        = awards.cfg                # setup award values and rules
clansfile        = clans.cfg                # Clans personalization file
clantagfile        = clantags.cfg                # setup clantag strings
denyfile        = deny.cfg                # deny players from ranking
denyclanfile         = denyclan.cfg                # deny players from ranking in CLANS
ignorefile        = ignorelines.cfg        # ignore lines from log files
permitfile        = permit.cfg                # define players that will always rank
playersfile        = players.cfg                # define players personal information
rolenamefile        = rolenames.cfg                # define character roles/classes
weaponfile        = weapons.cfg
serverName        = Your Server Name
serverIP        =
serverDomain        = http://www.psychostats.com/

# info on server admin/owner. leave anything blank to be anonymous.
# You can also edit the index file(s) for the theme and just remove
# these variables if you do not want them shown.

adminAlias        = Your Alias
adminEMail        = your@email.address

# enable/disable reporting verbosity

ReportErrors        = 1        # If enabled, NON-fatal errors will be logged
ReportCrashes        = 0        # If enabled, server crashes (detected from logs) will be logged.
                        # Note, ReportErrors must be 1 for this to report anything.

# control how player stats are reported.

RegisteredOnly        = 0        # Only rank players that are registered?
BaseSkill        = 1000# Base skill for all players. Do not set this too low (<750)

MaxDays         = 100         # number of days of logs to scan.
MaxPlayers         = 150        # MAX# of players shown in Ranking list.
MinConnected         = 0        # min# of players that must be connected in order
                        # for stats to start gathering from a log file.
MinSkill         = 500        # Skill rank needed.
MinKills         = 1        # min# of kills needed to appear in list
MinDeaths         = 1         # min# of deaths needed to appear in list
MinKDR        = 0.10        # min Kill:Death ratio needed to appear in list
MinTime         = 1m        # min game time needed to rank. format: "1d1h1m"
                        # where d=day,h=hour,m=minutes.
MinRounds         = 0        # min# of rounds played needed to rank (not valid in DOD)

UseAliases        = 1        # Toggle the use of player aliases
RemovePlayers        = 1        # 1 = Remove players that have ZERO kills + deaths.
                        # This is useful to save memory and to get rid of
                        # all those useless names.

AutoBanDeny        = 0        # toggle auto denying for players that have been BANNED
MaxKickDeny        = 0        # total times plr was kicked before they are denied
MaxCheatDeny        = 0        # total times plr cheats before they are denied
                        # set to 0 to disable

DeleteOldPlayers = 1        # Deletes all old Player HTML files before new files are
                        # created. This stops player pages from building up in the
                        # HTMLPATH (only useful when PlayerHTMLtype is not RANK)
DeleteOldClans   = 1        # Deletes all old Clan files, same as above.
DeleteOldWeapons = 1        # Deletes all old weapon files.
DeleteOldAwards= 1        # Deletes all old award files.
DeleteOldMaps    = 1        # Deletes all old detailed map files.

# How to create player and clan files.
# RANK= use rank
# NAME= use name
# WONID = usr plr wonid (playerHTMLtype only)
# MIME= encode name with base64 (recommended)

PlayerHTMLtype         = MIME
ClanHTMLtype         = MIME

# PlayerID: How players are tracked and recorded.
# NAME   = use player names as the unique ID for each player. (case sensitive)
# LCNAME = use player names (case in-sensitive)
# WONID= use player WONIDs ...

PlayerID         = NAME

# Create Clan HTML stat pages. PsychoStats can try and figure out what
# clans have connected to the server and groups all the members in each
# clan together.This has side-effects since PsychoStats can't be 100%
# accurate as to what is a clan (it does a pretty good job, however).
# But with the settings below and the help from the clantags file you can
# help tweak what a clan is defined as.

CreateClans                 = 1                # 1 = Create clan stats. 0 = don't.
MinClanMembers                = 3                # Min # of members needed to pass as a 'clan'.
MinClanKills                = 50                # Min # of combined kills needed to pass.
MinClanSkill                = 500                # Min avg skill needed for the clan to pass.
MinClanKdr                = 0.0                # Min Kill Ratio needed for the clan to pass.
MinClanRank                = 0                # Min avg rank needed for the clan to pass.
MinClanMemberKills        = 1                # Min kills needed for member to be included in clan
MinClanMemberDeaths        = 1                # Min deaths ...

# Enable clan debugging. This should always be disabled unless you're having a
# clantag or clanmember problem (like a 'valid' clan never appears in the
# clan listing). This will cause PS to output the reason why a clan was denied
# from the clan listings. So on large servers, this will OUTPUT A LOT of info.
# All info is LOGGED, so you can simply view the stats.log after you update to
# view the results.

ClanDebug                = 0               

# Create detailed map stat pages. PsychoStats will create detailed pages
# for each map, showing the top players in many different views of the
# map. Such as most kills, hostage rescues, or bombings, etc.
# This requires some extra processing time and you can toggle this
# option on or off. Toggling this off does not effect the creation of
# the standard 'maps.html' file.

CreateMapPages        = 1
MapAwardMax        = 10        # Maximum # of players to list for each detailed
                        # map player listing

# Maps that should NOT be included in stats. Partial words can be used to
# exclude all maps that match. e.g.: using "es_" would exclude all "ES" type maps.
# format: one line, each mapname or partial word is seperated by a space.
# e.g.: ExcludeMaps = cs_speedball de_suckmap as_

ExcludeMaps =

# default map used when the current map is unknown. This is only needed
# if you use the command 'log on' in your server.cfg, instead of the
# 'autoexec.cfg'.Its recommended you use the autoexec.cfg for the
# 'log on'. If the server.cfg is used, then the HLDS engine will not
# report the first map loaded, and thus this option will need to be set
# to the map you use to start the server.

DefaultMap= unknownmap

AwardMax = 25        # Max number of players to list in "top10" weapon/award pages.

# Toggle the display of some 'sensitive' plr info:
ShowPlayerAliases         = 1   # Player Aliases are visible
ShowPlayerWONIDs        = 0   # Player WONIDs are visible
ShowPlayerIPs           = 0   # Player IPs are visible

# Map variables that specify what type of map images to use, and where
# your maps are available for download (used mainly in maps.html)

maplinkurl                 = /maps/                # relative URL path to map DOWNLOADS (zip files usually)
maplinkext                 = zip                        # file extension for downloads (do not use a dot)
mapthumbnailurl                = images/mappics/        # relative URL path to mappics.
mapthumbnailsize         = 160x120                 # image size
mapthumbnailext         = gif                        # image type (do not use a dot)
weaponimgurl                 = images/                # relative URL path to weapon images

## FTP SECTION -----------------
# If you need to have your stats uploaded to a website after a stats update,
# fill out this section with the values required for your FTP server (website).
# The host, user, and pass must all be specified in order for an FTP transfer
# attempt to be made by PsychoStats.
# Sub-directories are not supported. Only files within the HTMLPATH will be uploaded.
FTPhost         =                 # FTP hostname, ie: ftp.mydomain.com
FTPusername         =                 # username to connect with
FTPpassword         =                # password to connect with
FTPdir                =                 # path to where the files should be uploaded to
FTPautodelete        = 0                # If enabled each remote file will be deleted before
                                # uploading the newer file
FTPdelete        =                 # Specify filename wildcards (seperated by comma's) to
                                # delete on the FTP server. ie: player_*, clan_*
                                # ftpautodelete does NOT have to be enabled.
FTPfiles        = *.*                # wildcard filenames to upload. Multiple
                                # wildcards should be seperated by a comma (,)
                                # ie: *.html, *.css, *.gif
FTPport                = 21                # FTP port to use. you'll probably never change this
FTPpassive         = 1                # If FTP doesn't work for you try setting this to 0
FTPverbose        = 0                # 1 if you want to see whats happening during
                                # the FTP transfer. Note, this is extremely verbose!
                                # But is useful for troubleshooting FTP problems

# If you want to have PsychoStats DOWNLOAD logs from a remote game server,
# automatically, before any local logs are processed then specify the FTP settings
# here. They are the same types of settings as the FTP options above.
# A file will not be downloaded if it exists on the LOCAL machine already.
FTPlogHost        =
FTPlogUsername        =
FTPlogPassword        =
FTPlogDir         =
FTPlogLocalDir=                 # what directory to store the downloaded files into
                                # (on the local machine where stats.pl is running)
FTPlogFiles        = *.log
FTPlogPort        = 21
FTPlogPassive        = 1
FTPlogVerbose        = 0

酷虫2000 发表于 2003-2-3 10:22:21


yam 发表于 2003-2-3 12:43:46




slap 发表于 2003-2-7 15:55:21

Error opening log directory: { d:/Hlserver2/cstrike/logs }

老哈吉 发表于 2003-2-7 16:15:30


酷虫2000 发表于 2003-2-8 09:58:35

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查看完整版本: 【SOS】PsychoStats v1.9 PHP的问题