金闪闪 发表于 2005-1-4 22:15:45



My server LAAAAAAGS!
Lag can have many causes:

Hardware: the more players, the more resources it will take from your hardware, especially your cpu and memory. We have an AMD 1700mhz with 1 gig of mem. And our hardware can hold 24 players and probably more. You can save some resources by turning off processes/programs that you don't use.

Connection: uploadspeed is very important, with a cable connection it is very difficult to have a 24 players server, but with some tweaking it seems possible to have a 10 players server, with a 100mbit connection you dont have to worry about that.

Software Settings: for CounterStrike most of the settings you can change in the server.cfg. If you used my server.cfg you can see these settings in the title “SET RATES” and “DOWNLOAD”. I found this formula in Drek's thread:

bandwidth X 128 / server size = sv_maxrate

Example: If you have an upload of 768 Kbps and you want a 24 player server, then the formula goes like this: 768 x 128 / 24 = sv_maxrate 4096

这句比较有意思,我翻译给大家。如果你的服务器上传只有768Kbps,开24人的服务器,那么你的sv_maxrate必须设置为 768 x 128 / 24 = 4096
希望对大家有用。 :43:

You can find more info in Drek's thread: Running a Lag Free Server

Drek's thread will get you in a direction, but I think it comes down to trial and error. If you experience lag then play with the settings.

lhbwhy 发表于 2005-1-5 09:16:02

我的服务器 960kb 和黑龙江的公网 交换文件

leekk 发表于 2005-1-5 10:22:11


那个公式是否对所有的网络连接方式都一样吗?按以前的经验是 1Mbps/(5K字节每客户端*8)=25人,最好的就是建20-24人的服务器!这个是否已经过期?

这个公式是否对所有的网络连接方式都有效?按以前的经验是 1Mbps上传/(5K字节每客户*8)=25人,当然最稳定的是建20-24人的服务器!这是否已经过期? :43:

leekk 发表于 2005-1-5 14:31:08

为什么我发的贴不能显示出来的??? :67:

金闪闪 发表于 2005-1-5 16:51:26

Post by leekk
为什么我发的贴不能显示出来的??? :67:
什么意思?发什么帖? :10:

解脱 发表于 2005-1-6 00:11:43

呵呵`有帮助` :76:

lhbwhy 发表于 2005-1-6 09:30:56


mccat 发表于 2005-1-6 09:51:35

Post by lhbwhy


金闪闪 发表于 2005-1-6 09:52:17

Post by lhbwhy
这位仁兄不是自认自己en水平高么?你怎不去steam官方论坛去发表你的高见呢? :30:

BoeZombie 发表于 2005-1-6 09:54:05


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