小白 发表于 2005-1-28 10:30:44

booster2.4 不如 旧版booster1.7 好用。再说FPS过高只能使CPU占用过高,999与512的FPS差别能有多大~!

hiller_520 发表于 2005-2-16 22:45:52

booster_autofps 1000
booster_minsleepms 1
booster_force_systicrate 10000
// booster_autofps x (x = 0 to 1000, 0 = no target FPS)
//      Automatically changes value of sys_ticrate to achieve and maintain the desired server FPS (if possible).
//        It is not recommended to target FPS greater than 200 or so.
//        Note that autofps adjusts sys_ticrate, which makes it incompatible with any booster_lite_mode other意思是booster_lite_mode 要设为3,其它不兼容(默认是3)
//        than 3. Setting booster_autofps will force booster_lite_mode to 3.
booster_autofps 200
- ** WARNING ** Features of each approach can be used together, and Booster2 will attempt to catch cvar values that might cause problems. However, keep in mind that using extreme or contradictory values can cause your server to run worse than it would if Booster2 were not loaded at all. Any incompatible settings that Booster2 catches will be reported in the HLDS logs. Remember, the 'faster' you make your server run, the higher your CPU consumption will be. Always check CPU usage to make sure you aren't nearing 100%.
// booster_minsleepms x (x = 1 to 10, 10 = no change to multimedia timer)
//      This adjusts the multimedia system timer to trick HLDS into sleeping for less time. Note that
//        the lower the value set, the higher the CPU consumption will be for HLDS. Values lower than 3
//        are not recommended, as they can cause massive CPU consumption and/or system instability.
booster_minsleepms 5
// booster_force_systicrate x (x = 0 to 10000, 0 = let Booster2 manage the value itself (no force))
//        Booster2 will force this sys_ticrate value. Note that using this option will set booster_autofps to 0
//        and booster_lite_mode to 3, as these methods rely on a sys_ticrate value untouched by user settings.
//        You should avoid directly setting sys_ticrate in your server.cfg, as manually adjusted values can
//        cause problems with various parts of Booster2.
booster_force_systicrate 0
这段话的意思是,如果booster_force_systicrate 设为0,则BOOTER2会按照设定的booster_minsleepms值和booster_autofps 值自动运行,FPS值已经改善。如果想MANUALLY手动设置这个值(实际上就是手动强制设置FPS值),应该将booster_autofps设置为0
楼主一方面设置有矛盾,另一方面,机器也肯定达不到要求,不卡才是怪事 :86:
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查看完整版本: booster2.4的感悟,p4赛扬2.6(L2 128k)不如图拉丁1.2