最新超级英雄 1.17.6 Released 中文版(12/29 更新了两个有乱码的插件fix.rar)
1.此插件需要AMXX 1.0的支持
2.解包后放到 cstrike 下的相应目录
3.安装时遇到问题的解决方法请看 http://shero.rocks-hideout.com/docs/faq.htm
4.解包密码是: kenzgzcn
*v1.17.6 - JTP10181 - 12/15/04
* - Made it so menu is not auto-displayed for spectators
* - Fixed bug, giving wrong XP ammout if you get a HS and are using the HSMULT setting
* - Fixed bug, reload ammo function would slow down user if using the drop weapon setting
* - Added functionality to remeber XP for bots by thier names
* - Eliminated cpalive CVAR, set sh_cmdprojector to "2" for the same effect
* - Heroes using extradamage now send the correct weapon name if they are only multiplying the damage
* - Added ability to send shExtraDamage as a headshot so the kill shows up correctly
* - Fixed small bug in playerskills console output
* - Fixed version CVAR so it will change when upgrading without a server restart
* - Plugin tries to make SQL tables if they don't exist already
* - Fixed bug if superhero is disabled no one could chat.
* - Tweaked the speed system to make it spam less on AMXModX
* - Made the admin commands idiot proof
* - Made use of plugin_cfg() stock instead of a task
* - Fixed bug, extradamage would not let you kill yourself
* - Added check so sh_xpsavedays cannot bet set higher than 365
* - Added checks for other CVARS since people like to do stupid things
* - Fixed issue with people binding to +power1; +power1; +power1;.....
* - Changed function of sh_bombhostxp again, it was too confusing the way it was
* - Added check so core can only be loaded once (not available on AMX 0.9.9+)
* - Fixed bug with non-saved XP, XP never intialiazing.
*v1.17.5 - JTP10181 - 10/03/04
* - AMXX 0.20 Support (Vault and MySQL)
* - Tweaks to godmode coding to prevent problems
* - Fixed anubis errors on AMXX
* - Fixed Batman "Reliable channel overflow" problems on AMXX
* - Cleaned up code on all heroes, redid indenting, removed useless code.
* - Successful bomb plant will now give entire alive team XP
* - Added event to catch round end if triggered by sv_restart
* - Tweaked hostage and bomb XP to make it more evenly distributed
* - Added new function to include to reload clients ammo (see sh_punisher.sma for example)
* - Fixed some stuff in the include for AMXX
* - Reworked vault data parsing to remove hardcoded limit of loading only 20 skills (heroes)
* - Rewrote readINI function to use new strbrkqt stock
* - Moved all the shExtraDamage code into the core
* - Fixed readXP so it will not get processed more than once on a player
* - Added new hero command to set a shield restriction (see sh_batman.sma for example)
* - Found a more reliable way to detect hostage rescue and get players id
* - Fixed some bugs in the stun system
*v1.17.4 - JTP10181 - 09/05/04
* - Fixed "playerskills" bug with some skills getting cut off
* - Fixed bug with XP not displaying until after freezetime
* - Hero Levels should now load correctly from cvars on the first map
* - Fixed "whohas" that has been broken for a long time I assume
* - Fixed bug in "drop" command when client has the max powers allowed on the server
* - Increased plugins available memory as it was teetering near the edge of runtime 3 issues.
* - Tweaked string array lengths to make plugin use less memory
* - Finally fixed menu bug causing it to say a hero was disabled when it wasn't
* - Added code to restrict dropping while alive and a cvar to enable / disable it.
* - Fixed bug in godmode code so one godmode wont cancel another out
* - "File" saving support totally removed (vault saving is still the default)
* - Added support for AMX 0.9.9
*v1.17.3 - JTP10181 - 08/27/04
* - Fixed bug with loadimmediate and some people loosing XP
* - Fixed bug with ban code if file did not end in a newline
* - Added checks to make sure authid is valid before trying to load XP
* - Made autobalance setting get ignored when savexp is on
* - Fixed more bugs with XP not loading correctly.
* - Added admin command to reset all the XP
* - Worked a lot on the MySQL include to make it work better overall
* - Added a bunch of checks to cancel events for bots (better CZ support also)
* - Found a way to reset speed without forcing a weapon switch
* - Fixed bugs with menu resetting to page 1 while you are in it
* - Made it so powers are not disabled (for freezetime) until the first person spawns
* - Changed function of debug cvar, it is now the debugging level.
*v1.17.2 - JTP10181 - 08/17/04
* - Fixed runtime errors if you exceed the MAXHEROS amount
* - Fixed bug with playSoundDenySelect, changed to client spk so others cannot hear it
* - Made banning system use less files reads, with the old method it
* would have caused lag with a large ban file
* - Redid banning support, can now unban also.
* - Changed debugMessage function again, to backward support non-stock heroes
* - Fixed more bugs with stale menus after certain commands
* - Fixed some issues with variables that could have been causing memory problems
* - Fixed some menu issues that arose with the last release
* - Added a cvar to put the menu back how it used to be where it hides disabled heroes
* - Added a cvar to change (or disable) the level limiting in the menu
* - Tweaked the way things load on first startup to hopefully fix cvar issues people are having
* - Found recursion problem causing runtime error 3 and fixed it
* - If a level is lost the plugin will remove heroes you should not have anymore
* - Added HeadShot multiplyer cvar to give extra XP for headshots
*v1.17.1 - JTP10181 - 08/12/04
* - Redid the new round code, should have fixed some bugs with the feezetime being 0
* - Fixed bug with sh_adminaccess not getting loaded from config before being set as level for commands
* - Redid the debugging messages system
* - Redid the readINI function to make it more versatile
* - Fixed bug with giving XP for hostage rescue
* - Removed some useless code in the hostage rescue system
* - Added status messages for the XP given on bomb and hostage events
* - Changed use of sh_bombhostxp cvar. It now sets the level of XP given/taken for the events
* Set CVAR to -1 to disable the XP bonuses
* - Changed the default admin flag because for some reason it was set to the admin_immunity flag
* - Fixed vault saving by IP so it wont use the port anymore, only the IP
* - Blocked fullupdate client command to prevent exploiting and resetting cooldown timers and other bad things.
* - Changed the menu system to make it less confusing why some heroes are not available
* - Added extra codes to the menu system
* - Grayed out disabled menu items instead of hiding them
* - Error message if no argument supplied to /whohas
* - Added Power Number to /herolist output
* - Fixed bug in the clearpower function causing hero ids to be out of place in the players array
* - Redid the damage function in the inc file, blocking death messages with vexd and updating scoreboard properly
* - Fixed bug with clearpowers when menu was on screen, it would be stale and not refresh
* - Added function to adjust the servers sv_maxspeed so speed increasing heroes can work properly
* - Redid the layout for most of the stock heroes so its more standardized.
* - Removed xtrafun from all heroes possible to better support amx 0.9.9.
*v1.17 - JTP10181 - 07/27/04
* - Updated all motd box output to be more easy to follow
* - Fixed bug if only one hero left to pick it would not be displayed
* - Fixed bug with setting the speed system
* - Fixed admin commands to follow better standards
* - Added mercy XP system to give players who gained no XP a small boost each round
* - cmd_projector merged in with this plugin 帮你顶下~~`` :tongue: 谢谢,我去试试! DT呈现给大家的总是百家争鸣美丽场景。 因为更新了两个有乱码的插件到fix.rar,自己顶一下,
请在首页下载后放到 cstrike\addons\amxmodx\plugins 下覆盖原文件 问一下,我按照默认的设置,就是经验保存的。
谢谢。 1.默认设置是保存在 cstrike\addons\amxmodx\data\vault.ini 文件下
2.你必须修改 cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs\modules.ini 里把数据库(Database Access)接口删掉,就是在 mysql_amxx.dll 类的文件前加冒号(实际上你不是Linux的服务器也没法运行Mysql)
3.正常的话你可以在退出服务器的情况下vault.ini 查看用户名及经验值等,从新进入服务器后可以保存原经验值。 Post by kenzgzcn
1.默认设置是保存在 cstrike\addons\amxmodx\data\vault.ini 文件下
2.你必须修改 cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs\modules.ini 里把数据库(Database Access)接口删掉,就是在 mysql_amxx.dll 类的文件前加逗号(实际上你不是Linux的服务器也没法运行Mysql)
3.正常的话你可以在退出服务器的情况下vault.ini 查看用户名及经验值等,从新进入服务器后可以保存原经验值。
linux也可以用mysql,但是使用的库文件不是dll了,是.so Post by kenzgzcn
1.默认设置是保存在 cstrike\addons\amxmodx\data\vault.ini 文件下
2.你必须修改 cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs\modules.ini 里把数据库(Database Access)接口删掉,就是在 mysql_amxx.dll 类的文件前加冒号(实际上你不是Linux的服务器也没法运行Mysql)
3.正常的话你可以在退出服务器的情况下vault.ini 查看用户名及经验值等,从新进入服务器后可以保存原经验值。
我是想说有没有办法不按SteamID存经验而是按用户名存呢? 你在建服务器的时候加上参数 -nomaster 就不会检查SteamiD的合法性了,然后在amxx.cfg 和user.ini下作相应修改,让系统以user name登录