nwb13 发表于 2004-11-8 13:34:25


/* These functinos are used to generate client messages.
* You may generate menu, smoke, shockwaves, thunderlights,
* intermission and many many others messages.
* See HL SDK for more examples. */
native message_begin( dest, msg_type, origin={0,0,0},player=0);
native message_end();
native write_byte( x );
native write_char( x );
native write_short( x );
native write_long( x );
native write_entity( x );
native write_angle( x );
native write_coord( x );
native write_string( x[] );

以上是inc文件里的,重点是 See HL SDK for more examples.
我的问题是在hl sdk 里没找到什么例子,给我指点一下,在哪里?

// Set things in an entities Entvars Struct. See HLSDK or look at examples to determine what different variables do.
native entity_get_int(iIndex, iVariable);
native entity_set_int(iIndex, iVariable, iValue);
native Float:entity_get_float(iIndex, iVariable);
native entity_set_float(iIndex, iVariable, Float:fValue);
native entity_get_vector(iIndex, iVariable, Float:vVector);
native entity_set_vector(iIndex, iVariable, Float:vVector);
native entity_get_edict(iIndex, iVariable);
native entity_set_edict(iIndex, iVariable, iNewIndex);
native entity_get_string(iIndex, iVariable, szValue[], iLen);
native entity_set_string(iIndex, iVariable, szValue[]);
native entity_get_byte(iIndex, iVariable);
native entity_set_byte(iIndex, iVariable, iValue);

olol 发表于 2004-11-8 14:00:44


金闪闪 发表于 2004-11-8 21:06:46


将有一个详细的API调用。 :thefinger

olol 发表于 2004-11-8 21:10:29

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