slap 发表于 2003-1-27 22:09:46


lovexdf 发表于 2003-1-27 22:17:36




午夜狂奔 发表于 2003-4-5 13:50:38

问一下,CS服务器和WEB 服务器必须在一台机器上吗?


ccbreal 发表于 2003-4-5 22:00:21

哈哈,谢谢 Yam slap 等众高手。 发表于 2003-4-13 14:34:32


PsychoStats Installer. (MSWin32)

You can not run the PsychoStats installer as a CGI script on a webserver.
You must have local access to this machine and run the install script from a command prompt (shell access).
This means you need to either telnet or ssh into the server and then setup the PsychoStats config and then run the install script.
Press enter to exit the installation...


nickning 发表于 2003-4-14 10:26:16

安装好了运行 生成了index.htm文件但是里面没有数据!?不知道为什么!

午夜狂奔 发表于 2003-6-18 20:15:17

.pl 文件不自动运行,出来打开方式了,选什么啊?

one 发表于 2003-6-18 22:29:20


zise 发表于 2003-7-1 18:29:02

# PsychoStats main config file.
# NOTE: This file is not case sensitive & whitespace does not matter,
#       unless noted. Set your tab size to "8" in your editor, if this
#file does not format correctly on your system.

# location of logs directory(s). 'logpath' can have more then
# one directory listed. PsychoStats will parse through each directory
# for the number of days specified and read all logs found into one
# stats page. Note the "{", "}" are required, and each directory name
# must be on its own line. The directories are loaded in the order given.

LogPath= {


# Destination HTML directory. This will usually be a path in your
# webserver root somewhere.

HtmlPath= e:/hlsw/cstrike/cstrike
# Define what type of server you're running. Changing this affects how
# weapon and map images are loaded. The word here is prefixed to all
# images, ie: cstrike_mp5navy.gif for a CS weapon.
# known valid options: cstrike, dod

modType= cstrike

# Control the layout of the generated HTML pages. The word value given
# should be a directory name under the 'themes' directory. Make sure
# you're using a theme that is compatable with the MOD you're using.

HTMLtheme = cstrikehtml19

# 'picspath' is where your thumbnail pictures are located for the
# map names. These should be full pathnames, NOT URLs.
# The 'dlpath' directory marks the location of where you store your
# maps for download. If you don't provide maps for download, you don't
# need to worry about it.

PicsPath= e:/hlsw/cstrike/stats/images/mappics
DLPath= e:/hlsw/cstrike/maps

# If a theme has a 'copy' option it will copy any files listed for it
# to the HTMLPATH if it does not already exist. Setting this option to
# 1 will force the files to be copied even if the file already exists
# in the HTMLPATH directory. If you're having problems with images not
# coping correctly, make sure this is set to 1.

ForceThemeCopy= 1

# Ignore log files that were not closed properly? A log file that wasn't
# 'closed' properly means that either the server crashed during the
# writting of the log file, or the log file is the most recent active
# log. PsychoStats will still gather correct information from 'unclosed'
# log files and there is really no reason to ignore them, So the
# default for this is "0". This is provided for completeness only.

ClosedLogsOnly= 0

# Enable or Disable STATSME (v2.1) DAMAGE support. All other STATSME
# statistics are always gathered if present in the logs, regardless of this
# setting. CSTRIKE servers that use mp_logdetail 1,2 or 3 will end up with
# inaccurate damage stats if this is enabled. All other servers that do not
# report damage should enable this option. Note, its recommended using this
# option instead of having mp_detail enabled. Since this uses a LOT less
# space in the logs and the same amount of detail is collected.

EnableSTATSMEdmg= 1


xiaoqing 发表于 2003-7-4 17:45:44


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查看完整版本: 借用Yam的帖子再详细说一下PsychoStats v1.9的安装和配置。