cz222kickbb 发表于 2004-8-16 04:13:15


谁帮忙汉化一下 :heart:

cz222kickbb 发表于 2004-8-16 05:20:28


[ 干 ----是一种美德 ]

janly 发表于 2004-8-16 11:27:16


whyhappy 发表于 2004-8-16 14:50:33


musicman 发表于 2004-8-16 22:17:51


daikatana 发表于 2004-8-18 09:19:08

This is an extensive edit to the AMX and AMXX plugin, Fireworks, based off of Voogru's metamod plugin.

Following effects were added:
fireworks_effect <flags>
a = Beamdisk
b = Spritetrail
c = Random burst of gravity possessed balls
d = Same as above, but with many many more
e = Light
f = Super Light
g = Burst of garbage ents
h = Lightning
i = Ent burst
j = Ent burst two (less color, lasts longer)
k = Ent burst three (blood color, lasts longer, floats slower)
L = Laser
m = implosion type
n = trans effect only
o = trans effect only
r = random effect
t = smoke
u = blast effect
v = blast effect two
W = Explosion sound
X = Explosion sound
Y = Explosion sound
z = Explosion sound

Dont use too many.

transeffect was added. It makes an effect, defined by the cvar fireworks_transeffect, appear with random chance during transit, and flight.

Added random effect. It explodes with a semi-random effect, defined by random chance on three tiers. Primary is between three options, secondary has three parts with 7 effects each, third tier has three parts with a 50/50 chance on them.


Defines the probability of which a trans explosion to happen. 5 = 1/5 probabity

Effects how many secondary effects occur in random. 0 to disable, 3 is max.

Effects how many third tier effects occur in random. 0 to disable, 3 is max.

RC: (in progress) any help on making a remote controled rocket is helpful ^^
fireworks_spawn_rc (<r> <g> <b>) optional
Spawns an RC rocket, wth slightly different effects. rgb optional.

These added from EJL's fireworks, with a little editing.

amx_fireworks0 <time or 0 to stop>
Sets Voogru fireworks off at random points on map

amx_fireworks1 <time or 0 to stop>
Sets debris model fireworks off at random points on map

amx_fireworks2 <time or 0 to stop>
Sets quake1 tar expolsion fireworks off at random points on map

amx_fireworks3 <time or 0 to stop>
Sets big particle burst fireworks off at random points on map

amx_fireworks4 <time or 0 to stop>
Roman candle -- Finished!

amx_fireworks5 <time or 0 to stop>
Sets glow sprite fireworks off at random points on map

amx_fireworks <time or 0 to stop>
Finale style! Sets four types fireworks off at random points on map.

amx_fireworks_set <type 0-5 or cancell> <height> <quantity> <delay>
Sets or cancels local fireworks

sets whether type 1 and 5 fireworks explode low on maps with a low ceiling

toggles fireworks noise on and off.

fireworks menu

I guess thats it...

I edited...
fireworks effects...
trans effects...
shooter a bit...
added EJL...

So there ya go.
Have fun.

NEW: RC rockets!
fireworks_spawn_rc -- Now the rocket follows your arrow!
fireworks_spawn_rv -- Now you can CONTROL the rocket via your mouse, and SEE from the rockets point of view!
Use key now DETONATES rockets, along with auto detonate.
For RV, the mouse buttons trigger explosions!

fireworks_rec_effect - Now you can turn the secondary effects on and off for RC and RV.

RC and RV now require fireworks_enable to be 3 before all users may use them.

Thank you to EJL, for his code, and Neo from the AMX forums, for his great idea's. Oh, and to voogru.

Also, to the maker of the oriignal Fireworks mod. I love you man. Sorry for stealing half your code.
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查看完整版本: amxx的烟花插件