冰峰版的升级太快了。。几分钟就可以升到10级。。。现在问下该改SMA下哪段参数降低它的经验值。。(比如放一次C4。杀一个人得到的经验值。我都想把这些减少一点)可我找了很久都没找到该改什么地方。另外附一个问题。就是换种族的哪项我想把它设成默认关闭。请问在哪点弄这项。。谢谢 如果是新版的War3FT,请用记事本打开cstrike\addons\amx\war3FT.cfg:
换族:找到mp_allowchangerace 1,将它改为0;
降低经验值:找到mp_xpmultiplier 1.0,将它改为2.0或更高,增加升级难度;
// Experience given for various things
FT_bombplanterxp 50 // XP given for planting the bomb (default is 50)
FT_defusexp 50 // XP given for defusing the bomb (default is 50)
FT_hostagexp 50 // XP given for helping to rescue the hostages (default is 50)
FT_killrescuemanxp 50 // XP given for killing the person rescuing the hostages (default is 50)
FT_xpbonus 150 // XP given for purchasing tome of experience (default is 150)
FT_kill_bomb_carrier_bonus 50 // XP given for killing the bomb carrier (default is 50, set to 0 to disable)
FT_defuser_kill_bonus 50 // XP given for killing the defuser (default is 50, set to 0 to disable)
FT_VIP_kill_bonus 50 // XP given for killing the VIP (default is 50, set to 0 to disable)
FT_VIP_escape_bonus 50 // XP given when the VIP escapes (default is 50, set to 0 to disable)
FT_headshot_bonus 20 // XP given for getting a headshot (default is 20, set to 0 to disable)
FT_hostage_touch_bonus 1 // Bonus is given (based on level) for touching the hostage (default is 1)
FT_attempt_defuse_bonus 1 // Bonus is given (based on level) for attempting to defuse the bomb (default is 1)
FT_bomb_event_bonus 1 // Bonus is given for bomb events (spawning w/it,picking it up, dropping it, default is 1)
FT_VIP_spawn_bonus 1 // Bonus is given for spawning as the VIP (default is 1)
FT_hostage_kill_xp 1 // XP it taken for killing a hostage (default is 1)
FT_xp_radius 750 // Radius to give XP to teammates near where the special objective is completed (rescued hosties, bomb planted, killed vip, vip escaped, default is 750)
FT_round_win_XP 50 // Experience given to the winning team (default is 50)
这里我不翻译了,你应该会看吧。 如果你早发这帖几分钟。我发的哪个插件就会改得更合理些。。。你给的哪些参数早些时候我也在war3FT.CFG中看到了.可我就是不敢乱改.怕改错.哪些后面的数字50这些代表的是什么.是杀一个人50的经验?安装C4后50的经验?但在CS中杀一个人和安一次C4不只50的经验哟.另外换族哪个在war3FT.CFG中找不到。好象没有也。 换族的那个选项如果没有就自己添加上去。另外那些经验好像是按级别递增的,即杀一个人,1级是60点,2级就120点…… 算了。。换族的这个加进去后。我试了几种方法都还是不行。。其中还包括编译了一次SMA文件。可以是这个版本默许是开着的吧。即使我在游戏中输入命令关闭换族。也还是不行。